Iraqis Thank America [Melanie Morgan - Move America Forward]

This is the message that has not been reported by the old-line media: the people of Iraq are happy that Saddam is gone and they want to say "Thank You" to America.
The Kurdish region of Iraq is in the northern portion of that nation. Iraqi Kurdistan has been operating with a democracy for more than 10 years (their safety provided by 10-years of air cover by U.S. and British jets in the "No Fly Zone" in Iraq).
Watch these ads here-> The first one, "Thank You America" is the ad you will be seeing beginning on the Fox News Channel (running nationwide). And make sure you show this to everyone you know. Each time I've seen this ad I've been nearly brought to tears, seeing these people survive the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein and showing such warm and sincere appreciation for the United States.
I think I first came across this at Gateway Pundit. Thanks for the reminder, as I still haven't checked out the video.
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