Democrats to hit White House, Republicans on privacy issues

Senate Republicans say the strategy reminds them of the Democrats -- such as former Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia -- who opposed the creation of the Homeland Security Department after the 2001 terrorist attacks.
One Republican aide said he looks forward to posting pictures of Mr. Cleland around the Capitol during the Patriot Act debate as a warning to Democrats that they will face a similar political demise.
WHY have President Bush's poll ratings improved lately? Some say it is because he became more visible and vocal in defense of his policies. But I believe the Democrats drove voters back to his camp with their attacks on the Patriot Act and the administration's wiretapping policies. Dick Morris
Once again, the Dems are operating in pre-9/11 mode.
They really don't seem to get it.
They are proving themselves to be weak on terror.
I believe Americans cherish their civil liberties. It's not at all that privacy isn't important.
What the supposedly "nuanced" Dems can't seem to grasp is that Americans have the good sense to understand that the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens are not at risk.
In other words, if you don't have al Qaeda on speed dial, you can relax.
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