9/11 TAPES Detail Horror Of The Day

(MP3, 31:19 min., 12.8 MB)
Melissa Doi: "I feel like I'm dying." And she did.
Melissa Doi, a 32-year-old financial manager, died in the World Trade Center's south tower on Sept. 11, 2001.
Fire chief requests help as cell phone networks failed
(MP3, 2:58 min., 1.7 MB)
"One of the towers just collapsed." (MP3, 26 sec., 264 K)
EMS dispatchers take calls from workers (MP3, 2:08 min., 1.2 MB)
A reminder for the anti-American anti-war socialist liberals "on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars."
xxxx Democrat Security cartoons Democrats Left Wing
These should be played daily on the nightly news.......America would be much better off for it.
But that would cut into their time to show gay pride parades, Aruba murders, or whatever the flavor of the day is.
Thanks again RJay......Those tapes will find a place on my page, too
I want to add my thanks, RJay.
As painful as they are to listen to, we need to hear them.
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