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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Foley Hasn't Been The Only One!!!

Democrats trying to make political hay out of the resignation of Florida Republican Congressman Mark Foley should take a good look at their own party. There was Bill Clinton’s last minute pardon of former Rep. Mel Reynolds, D-IL, who had been imprisoned for having sex with a 16-year-old staffer. (He was later hired by Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/PUSH Coalition; both Clinton and Jackson had also had sex with subordinates.) There is the case of Rep. Barney Frank, D-MA, whose office housed a prostitution ring. However, less known is one Hawaiian case, in which more than seven high ranking Democrat senators and representatives (and one Republican) worked to assist one Leon Rouse – a convicted child molester serving time on underage sex charges in the Philippines. Rouse, now released after 8 years in prison, was hired last session as an employee of a Democrat-controlled Hawaii state Legislative Committee. 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful Russ Feingold also came to his defense, along with a Clinton-era U.S. embassy and more than half-a-dozen Democrats.

Before you Liberals get your panties in a twist, Foley isn't the only one who has ever had sexual scandals with White House Pages!


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

This whole thing is getting out of hand, now the Washington Post or some crap is calling for Denny Hastert's resignation on all of this. And Hastert only knew about emails that were not sexual in nature, paculiar yes, sexual NO. And he never knew about any Instant Messages!

While these other guy's are free and clear of what they were up to, Studds and Frank.

Someone has to put a stop to this.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Mary said...

According to Drudge, The Washington Times is calling for Hastert to resign.

It's nuts.

At 3:02 AM, Blogger RJay said...

This was on yesterday's Washington Times Hastert denies GOP saw Foley's 'vile' messages

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Jan/The Mom said...

I hope you won’t mind if I have a another point of view on the subject. There have been scandals in Washington from our less than honorable members of Congress since our country was started. It is easy to point fingers at others who have fallen into this foul chasm, especially if they are from the opposing side of the aisle. Foley is here and now, and he is just the tip of iceberg as to the shenanigans that need to come into full view. What he did was more than “naughty” and covering it up is more than "paculiar". The new Republicans have put themselves up so high on the stool of piety, that it makes their fall from grace that much harder. The Democrats, on the other hand, are always one step away from falling into the pond scum so when they do step into it, no one is surprised.

If someone in the past didn’t receive their due punishment whether they are democrat or republican, then maybe our system is in need of fixing and maybe the Foley case will do just that. That is why any incumbent in Washington needs to go in November, because we are in need of fixing. They all stink. They haven’t been part of the solution for a better country, therefore they are part of the problem by their apathy.

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Well finally I have something to link to RJ. I checked last night and just found me.

Plenty of good information on this one.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger RJay said...

One Of Many, Thanks for your comments.
That sounds like a great idea so long as the incumbent is a Democrat.

So, it seems what you're saying is, if the incumbent is a Democrat you'll vote Republican and visa versa.

Do you want to leave the security of this nation in the hands of the cut and run Democrats?

I will never vote for a Democrat under any circumstances.
Well, I may vote for SchwarzenKennedy since he's the lesser of two evils. Oh, that's right, He's a Republican he just acts like a Democrat.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Like voting for Democrats.


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