Nancy Pelosi's Sour Grapes [UPDATE]

Roger Hedgecock Talks with Peter Schweizer author of the best-selling expose of liberal hypocrisy and exposing the real Nancy Pelosi...
“Do As I Say (Not As I Do)”
Hoyer Defeats Murtha in Bid for House Majority Leader
In a 149-86 vote, House Democrats Thursday elected Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland as House majority leader, delivering a defeat to Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania and a snub to new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had supported the losing candidate. Full Story

Last week, The American Thinker wrote about the people Pelosi hires.
Pelosi's illegal alien employees.
Remember Linda Chavez? She had to withdraw from consideration for a cabinet post because one of her employees was an illegal alien. So how about Nancy Pelosi, who would be third in line for succession if she becomes Majority Leader?
Investors Business Daily brings us the following information about her family-owned vineyard. xx MS. PELOSI & MR. PAYOFF
As Peter Schweizer notes in his best-selling expose of liberal hypocrisy, “Do As I Say (Not As I Do),” part of the fortune of this defender of the working man is a Napa Valley vineyard worth $25 million that she owns with her husband. The vineyard produces expensive grapes for high-end wines. Napa grapes bring up to $4,000 a ton compared with $300 a ton for, say, San Joaquin grapes.
Read the whole thing to get a picture of the actual practices of this wealthy hypocritical liberal.
How The Left Was Won: An In-Depth Analysis of the Tools and Methodologies Used by Liberals to Undermine Society and Disrupt the Social Order.
Not only is Nancy an illegal alien employer but she is an ANTI-UNION employer.
She gets huge $$$ from unions, and claims to be pro-union, but her businesses are very anti-union.
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