Presidente Arbusto
CNS Reports No Rest For The Wicked
Senators enjoying a week-long recess in their home states are being targeted by opponents of illegal immigration who are expected to deliver thousands of petition signatures opposing the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform proposals.
Too Bad
President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder. Peggy Noonan
Perhaps Bush should give the keys to Chaney and get out.A Green Card in Every Pot by Ann Coulter
He has single handed guaranteed the Republican Party will be out of power for many years to come. The only way a Republican will win the White House in 2008 is if the public does not want the Clinton's back in the White House and vote against Hillary. Stood By My Man - Shanklin
I hear Bush wants to re-name the White House to Casa Blanca parody
Americans -- at least really stupid Americans like George Bush -- believe the natural state of the world is to have individual self-determination, human rights, the rule of law and a robust democratic economy. On this view, most of the existing world and almost all of world history is a freakish aberration.
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No! Kennedy's Illegal Alien Amnesty Hurts America
I FAVOR Illegal Alien Amnesties
No! Kennedy's Illegal Alien Amnesty Hurts America
I FAVOR Illegal Alien Amnesties

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