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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jack Nicholson Stars in Hillary Ad / Hillary wins Texas and Ohio

Call her the Comeback Kid II. Hillary Rodham Clinton scored stunning victories over Barack Hussein Obama in Ohio and Texas early this morning - snapping her 12-state losing streak and injecting new life into a campaign that had been on the...full story
From Hollywood Confidential
Actor and perennial bad-boy Jack Nicholson is trying to help the Hillary Clinton campaign by calling her the “sexy” candidate.

With help from director and Clinton-backer Rob Reiner, a montage of shots from various Nicholson’s films was incorporated into a Hillary campaign ad.

In a famous scene from “A Few Good Men,” Nicholson, via his character, declares, “There's nothing sexier than saluting a woman.”

Another part of the ad features the actor’s creepy character from “The Shining,” who intones, “Things could be better, Lloyd. Things could be a whole lot better.” Simultaneously, the words “Clinton has a plan to deal with the nearly 47 million Americans without health care” flash on the screen.

“Jack and Hill” was unleashed on the Internet just in time for the Super Tuesday sequel.

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At 12:57 PM, Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Well we have a Nominee.

Not 100% of what we wanted but good 'nuff

Now Hillary and Obama can tear each other to shreds lol

Glad to see you are back :-)

At 1:07 PM, Blogger RJay said...

Let's hope HRC is nominated at their convention. McC can beat her in November. Not so sure about Barack Hussein. Then on the other hand I can't see the southern red necks voting for B.O.


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