Immigration Laws

2. Immigrants may purchase property, but locations and availability will be limited. Ocean front property cannot be purchased by immigrants. It is exclusively for citizens born in the country.
3. Immigrants cannot vote nor can they be elected to any public office.
4. Immigrants cannot collect any type of government assistance.
5. Immigrants cannot protest the countries government, policies or president.
6. Immigrants cannot display a flag of a foreign country.
7. Immigrants who have illegally entered the country will be found and imprisoned.
Well, these are laws that are currently part of the Immigration Laws of, you guessed it, MEXICO!!! Source Click the picture.
Ann Coulter has the solution.
Asked how she would solve the illegal immigration problem, Coulter told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on Thursday: "I'd build a wall. In fact, I'd hire illegal immigrants to build the wall."
Coulter told O'Reilly that she also favors deporting illegal aliens wherever they turn up, noting that immigration authorities missed a perfect opportunity to get a head start on the effort with the recent wave of pro-illegal protests.
"We could have done it very easily in the last week," she explained. "You could have just sent paddy wagons to the protests."
As outrageous as Coulter's comments may seem, her views on illegal immigration are firmly in the mainstream of U.S. public opinion. Insider Report
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