PHOENIX, AZ (June 6, 2006) – Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (“MCDC”), issued the following statement on the veto today by Governor Janet Napolitano of the crucial illegal immigration bill passed by the Arizona legislature:
“Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano today has dealt a serious blow to border security and America’s sovereignty by ensuring that the Arizona border with Mexico remains wide open and the attractive nuisance of endless welfare and social programs at the expense of the American taxpayer remain in place. A key part of the Republican budget Gov. Napolitano vetoed today includes a border security measure which allocates $50 million for a radar system to detect illegal border crossers, $55 million for local communities to use for costs related to illegal immigration and border enforcement, and several million dollars related to employer sanctions to go after businesses that purposely employ illegal aliens. Read More
“Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano today has dealt a serious blow to border security and America’s sovereignty by ensuring that the Arizona border with Mexico remains wide open and the attractive nuisance of endless welfare and social programs at the expense of the American taxpayer remain in place. A key part of the Republican budget Gov. Napolitano vetoed today includes a border security measure which allocates $50 million for a radar system to detect illegal border crossers, $55 million for local communities to use for costs related to illegal immigration and border enforcement, and several million dollars related to employer sanctions to go after businesses that purposely employ illegal aliens. Read More
1. Never forget, James was a Clinton plant....She was an assistant AG under Reno, and was hand-picked by Clinton to come to Arizona.
2. I live in Arizona, and NapoliReno makes me sick.....I'll never forgive the AZ Republicans for running a joker like Matt Salmon against her.
3. Janet is running a shell game when it comes to immigration......Talks tough, then the legislature gives her tough bills and she dumps them. Over and over, and she always falls back on the statement that "enforcement of illegal immigration is a federal issue"
It's a great scheme.....Bitch and act upset, then cry that she is really powerless to do anything, and then blame Bush in the process (not that he's without fault).
4. Reno (err Napolitano) is going to crush the veto record, because the AZ legislature is dominated by Republicans.......And they often bounce shit up to her just to get it vetoed.
I admit this, and they are hoping to show the state how out of touch with Arizona she is.
But, she is smart and knows how to play the game.....Because she's a Clintonite.
I get the impression you don't care much for your Governor.=:o]
Mexico Cheerleading
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano
You are correct, RJay.
Somedays she makes me sick, and other days she makes me sicker.
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