(PHOENIX, AZ) April 20, 2006 – Chris Simcox, President of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (“MCDC”), today announced plans by the MCDC to work with local Arizona land owners to build border security fencing on private land along the border with Mexico.
The groundbreaking will begin in Arizona on Memorial Day weekend, unless in the interim President Bush deploys National Guard and reserve troops to immediately secure the out-of-control southern border. minutemanborderfence.com/
National Guard. Not likely.
Your RINO Republicat Senator may give you a problem.
In an effort to solve 3 problems at once, thereby downsizing some of the Federal Bureaucracy, how about doing this:
Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border, take the dirt and raise the levies in New Orleans and put the Florida alligators in the moat.
The groundbreaking will begin in Arizona on Memorial Day weekend, unless in the interim President Bush deploys National Guard and reserve troops to immediately secure the out-of-control southern border. minutemanborderfence.com/
National Guard. Not likely.
Your RINO Republicat Senator may give you a problem.
In an effort to solve 3 problems at once, thereby downsizing some of the Federal Bureaucracy, how about doing this:
Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border, take the dirt and raise the levies in New Orleans and put the Florida alligators in the moat.
It will be interesting if there's a showdown between U.S. officials and U.S. citizens over this.
Because we're talking about private property, I don't see how the minutemen could be stopped.
Then again, there's always that eminent domain thing...
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