Columnist Wants Coulter Dead
A columnist for an advertising industry magazine wants Ann Coulter dead.
That's what Ad Age columnist Simon Dumenco suggested when he asked Coulter, "would it kill you to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.)"

Open liberal mouth, insert liberal foot.
It's remarkable how violent the famously "anti-war" liberals can be when speaking of what they consider the "outlandish remarks" made by Coulter in's best-selling book,
"Godless: The Church of Liberalism."
As Coulter said in a TV interview Saturday night, the media have portrayed her comments about the Jersey Girls as an attack on all 9/11 widows. This, she explained, is "specifically about four women who have turned themselves into political activists against the president, defending Bill Clinton, [and] attacking Condoleeza Rice. ..."
What would happen if a Republican said, "would it kill you to do us all a favor and kill yourself?" to a Democrat? Well, we all know what would happen.
What makes a liberal a liberal?
It’s a question I’ve been asking myself lately, perhaps because every liberal I meet nowadays seems to ask me how in the world I could be a conservative. My stock answer is that I’d love to be a liberal because, you know, chicks dig the progressives. But also because I’d love to resolve debates with clever rejoinders like “Halliburton!” or “Fox News!” or “Karl Rove!,” and because I’d love to engage in intellectual group hugs rather than confront awkward truths, and because I’d love to show how my heart is in the right place by supporting benevolent-sounding but historically discredited social policies which end up devastating the very communities they’re intended to benefit. So, yes, I’d love to be a liberal . . . except these pesky I.Q. points keep getting in the way. Mark Goldblatt
I must admit I've uttered these words about Liberals...And Islamists...And Turd World dictators...And sociopathic murders and sex offenders.....
Truthfully, I see no problem with this guy's rhetoric about Ann, even though I love her and find him repulsive.
Remember: "Politics is the continuation of war by other means."
It's not pretty, but is a semi-civilized means of taking and giving up power........Which is never nice.
You may have uttered these words about liberals on your Blog.
Did you ever say this, "would it kill you to do us all a favor and kill yourself?" to a liberal in the first person (face to face?)
What would happen if a conservative media personality said something like that about a liberal?
Do you think the liberals would say, "I see no problem with this guy's rhetoric..."?
Of course they wouldn't......But I don't expect anything from them.
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