Global Warming?

It's 6:00 AM the temp is 92° the high will be 120° I have installed this "Global Warming Early Warning Device" The devise alerts me I should not drive my vehicle because we all know vehicles cause smog and smog is caused by "Global Warming."
I live in Bermuda Dunes (Palm Springs) area of Southern California where the summer temperature hovers around 110°F to 120°F and sometimes even hotter. It has been this temperature before temperatures could be recorded. Before the environmental wackos dreamed up global warming.
Before "Old Fire Mouth's Inconvenient Truth." Al Gore's Crusade
Celebrities Causing Frogs to Croak?
Could it be that celebrities are planting the forests that are causing the global warming that is growing the bacteria that are wiping out the frogs? Global warming alarmists may be compelled to consider that chain of causation this week thanks to two new studies just published in the Jan. 12 issue of the journal Nature.
On Meddling With Climate Change
Everyone knows trees are "A Good Thing". They take in the carbon dioxide that threatens our planet with global warming and turn it into fresh, clean oxygen for us all to breathe. But now it seems we need to think again. In a discovery that has left climate scientists gasping, researchers have found that the earth's vegetation is churning out vast quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent even than CO2.
1975 Newsweek article on global cooling.
120 aye? That's brutal.....And I can attest to it, since I drove I-10 though California on my way to Anaheim last week.
It was 119 in Indio. Yuck.......Not much worse than it is here in Phoenix, though.
That said, it's always this hot in Phoenix, and always that hot in Palm Spings/Indio.......Has been ever since I can remember, and I've lived in Phoenix for decades and made many trips on I-10.
So, what is new?? Nothing is new.....Is it hot? Hell yes it's hot. But it's always hot in the summer.
Just wait for the winter......It will be cold in places its supposed to be cold, mild in places it's supposed to be mild, and warm in places it's supposed to be warm.
I hope you ignored all the wackos and had fun in Disneyland.
Gore was a guest on Conan O'Brien last night.
He's been promoting that movie forever!
Blah, blah, blah, ... ZZZZZZZZZZZ
I would bet that he's back on the talk show circuit in an attempt to capitalize on the hot weather.
He probably doesn't know it's summertime with all that fire coming out of his mouth.
He shouldn't be worried about the promotion of (In)Convenient Truth the MSM is doing it for him. ó^ò
Conan O'Brien is on too late for me.
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