Dems' Political Ad Includes Flag-Draped Coffins
Just when you think that the national Democrats can sink no lower, they reach down into the mud and mire in their bag of political tricks and come up with a new and slimier example of their utter shamelessness. Read the full story here
Republicans say Democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves for using the flag-draped coffins of U.S. troops who died in Iraq for political gain. Democrats have no shame.
The coffins -- and other depictions of violence in Iraq -- are among the images featured in a new political ad produced by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, a group that raises funds to elect Democrats to Congress.
"It makes my stomach turn to see National Democrats so blatantly exploit the sacrifices made by the men and women of our Armed Forces," National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Reynolds said in a press release.
Rep. Reynolds (R-N.Y.) called it "sickening" that Democrats would try to raise money off fallen heroes. You can view the dispicable ad
here--> DCCC political advertisement xx CNS NEWS Article
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I heard that on Sean Hannity and it is indeed extrememly sickening.
Hey Kat,
Good to have you back.
Have a great summer.
Well we should have known this was comming. I hope someone gets them to jerk that ad off the air.
As for Liberals, you know how I fell about them!
Hello Marie,
Which liberal network do you suppose would remove a liberal DemocRat ad?
Let them run the ad so the American people can see just what the Dumbocrats are, anti-Americans using our fallen heroes for political gain.
Your highway sign lets everyone know how you feel about Liberal CommieCrats . 8^)
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