Pelosi Announces Opening Session of 110th Congress

- Draining the swamp – break the link between lobbyists and legislation and commit to pay-as-you-go budgeting, no new deficit spending.
- Making America more secure – implement the independent 9/11 Commission recommendations. "Making America more secure" put Hastings in as head of House Intel ~ Righton, Northern Illinois
- Giving Americans a raise – increase the minimum wage.
- Making college more affordable – cut the interest rate in half on federally subsidized student loans.
- Making health care more affordable – negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. Hillary Health Care
- Ending subsidies for Big Oil. End the "big oil" subsidies, and watch the cost go back up to $3.00 + a gallon ~ Tom G.
- Giving hope to families with devastating diseases – allow stem cell research. More
Their real "urgent priorities" are going to be investigations, subpoenas, impeachment hearings, anything anti-national security, and repeal the Bush tax cuts.
One thing is certain: America will be weaker by the end of the Democrat's tenure: Pelosi's "reign of terror" will make certain of that! ~ Preacher
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