Send Immigration Views to Congress

He promised in the news conference and in an earlier interview with the Washington Post to make the giant expanded foreign worker program a top priority this next year.
Adding insult to injury, the Department of Homeland Security
has dropped plans to require all foreign visitors to officially check out when they leave. That exit system would have helped ensure that visitors don't stay as illegal aliens. Too much trouble, says DHS.
You'll see faxes to send on this issue, too.
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El Presidente Arbusto Speak: I strongly believe that we can, and must, get a comprehensive immigration plan on my desk this year. It's important for us because, in order to enforce our border, in order for those Border Patrol agents who we've increased down there and given them more equipment and better border security, they've got to have help and a plan that says, if you're coming into America to do a job, you can come legally for a temporary basis to do so.
I don't know if you've paid attention to the enforcement measures that were taken recently where in some of these packing plants they found people working that had been here illegally, but all of them had documents that said they were here legally -- they were using forged documents, which just reminded me that the system we have in place has caused people to rely upon smugglers and forgers in order to do work Americans aren't doing. Press Conference

To Barbara Boxer ------ To John McCain
This is sickening, and will be the one thing the Democrats get done in the 100th Congress.......SCREWING OVER AMERICA WITH ILLEGALS.
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