Queen Nancy wants to raise your taxes.

More than the ascension of Nancy Pelosi & Co. was disturbing congressional Republicans last week. They worried that George W. Bush may proceed down the same path that made his father a one-term president. Thus, they ask this question: Will the current President Bush embrace a tax increase that would produce potential economic disaster and guaranteed political catastrophe? Article
"President Bush is willing to raise taxes. That reality was a big surprise to me 16 years ago, in 1990, when I was working in the White House. It’s less of a surprise to me in 2006, when I am on the outside—because, after a while, you learn to identify the warning signs... Advisers are telling Bush that such bargaining will result in a solid domestic-policy legacy, as well as the shoring up of congressional support for the Iraq war. But history tells me that, if he raises taxes, he will demolish—as did his father before him—what little remains of his presidency." —Jim Pinkerton, Bush(41) policy aide
I am counting on President Bush NOT to let me down on the tax issues, but we need extra help on this.
If we cant get ahold to President Bush ourselves we need to get as close as we can to get our message across.
We need to start emailing our Senator's and Congressmen. or phone them and have them pass along our feelings on the matter to the President for us.
These Cartoon faces you have sure are funny.
Emailing California Senators, Boxer and Feinstein is an exercise in futility.
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