Plot to attack airport foiled [update] / Comrade Hillary
Never Underestimate The Power Of Makeup

Hilrya Rodhamovich Clintonov’s economic plan
Demo-gogue presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave a little-noticed stump speech this week that should’ve sent up countless red flags.
By now, all of us know about Clinton’s re-warmed plans for socializing medicine, regulating healthcare services and providers and centralizing government control of about ten percent of the U.S. economy.
This week, however, Clinton went national with her classist “it takes a village” model, claiming that free-enterprise Capitalism is the root of all evil.
In a speech on “shared prosperity,” she proclaimed that it’s time to replace the conservative notion of an “ownership society” and economy with one based on communal responsibility and prosperity, alleging that the current system is really an “on your own” society that increases the income gap between “poor” and “rich” Americans.

Now, if Clinton is implying that individual initiative, self-reliance, responsibility and ingenuity—the very foundation of free enterprise—are the keys to creating wealth, then she is right. If she is implying that dependence upon the state and redistribution of income creates poverty, then she is right here, too—but that was not her message. ...Continue Reading »
INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Like voting for socialist communist liberal Democrats.

The arrest yesterday of what the authorities termed a "self-radicalized" American citizen and two others in an alleged plot to do calamitous damage to JFK International Airport and surrounding residential neighborhoods underscores yet again the overarching threat Islamist terrorism poses to America.
Arrested was Russell Defreitas, an American citizen from Guyana and a former JFK employee.

Last week NewsMax alerted its readers to the "most dangerous man" in the world -- Adnan el-Shukrijumah -- the man tapped by bin Laden to blow up nuclear devices in the U.S. Now, the New York Post reports in a page one story in its Monday editions that Adnan was the "invisible hand" behind the JFK plot.
"No one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman, and child within the United States than ferret-faced el-Shukrijumah.” And These TWO

Labels: Hillary, Muslims, Terrorists
Something tells me you dont like Hillary. *Wink*
Just reporting her socialist communist traitorous views.
Have you seen this bullshit story?
Faith got me past marital woes
I may have to start another page to deal with everyone who believes her psychobabble.
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