Liberal Bumper Stickers
Democrats Seeking 'Bumper Sticker' Campaign Slogan
The group, using former Clinton adviser James Carville as a pitchman, invited Democrats to submit their best ideas for a "message that rings true outside of Washington."
On Monday, the DSCC said the response has been "more than we ever expected," with "votes and ideas streaming in from across the country."
The DSCC listed two of its favorites so far: They include, "2008 - Republican Free Zone" and "Left Turn Ahead: Democrats 2008."
On his Aug. 23 radio show, Rush Limbaugh offered Carville a few suggestions of his own: "Vote Early, Vote Often, Que Pasa"; "LBJ's Great Society: One More Decade Oughta Do It"; "Dumb it Down for Democrats in '08"; "Democrat Victory Through Defeat of the United States"; and "We're Winning, Let's Quit."

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