1984 Arkansas Mother Of The Year

(Bill rapes and sexually assaults; Hillary hires the secret police)
Constant wild fights, spewing profanity
Hillary is an angry, rude, profane, and physically and verbally abusive person. Her favorite word is "motherf**ker," which she uses constantly with Bill and staff when she is mad. She hated the Arkansas state troopers who were pimping girls for Bill and she expressed this contempt often. Hillary also despised the Secret Service and was often rude or verbally abusive with them. And she treats her staff like dirt, too.
When Hillary noticed on Labor Day, 1991, that the American flag had not yet been raised one morning, the 1984 Arkansas Mother-of-the-Year screamed at staff: "Where is the goddamn f**king flag? I want the goddamn f**king flag up every f**king morning at f**king sunrise." - This Is Too Good
She's married to an impeached President.
Labels: Campaign Video, Hillary, Mother Of The Year, Tryphorgetin
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