HSU for Hillary $60 million Ponzi scheme

ABC Again Refuses to Cover Hsu
CBS and NBC on Thursday night aired brief updates on how the Justice Department filed a criminal complaint against Norman Hsu, the captured fugitive Democratic/Hillary Clinton campaign donor, for bilking $60 million from investors -- but ABC was once again absent on the story. ABC's World News hasn't uttered Hsu's name since its one and only story the Friday night of Labor Day weekend while Thursday's mention was the fifth for NBC and fourth for CBS.
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Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
The President is afraid to use the word "Islamo-Fascism." Students on American campuses are not. Beginning on October 22, student groups across the nation will hold Terrorism Awareness Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week on their campuses. These protest weeks will feature a series of events designed to bring a message to these academic communities that challenges most of what students are taught about the so-called War on Terror both in the classroom and on the quad.
Laura Ingraham Knocks Out Chris Matthews on 'Hardball'
Sticking and moving like a prize fighter, talk show host and author Laura Ingraham, outnumbered in a three against one fight, took out not only "Hardball" host Chris Matthews but his colleague David Shuster and NBC News political director Chuck Todd, as well. NewsBusters
Labels: Hillary, Hsu, Ingraham, Islamo-Terrorism
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