America Supports You

"America Supports You" is a nationwide program launched by the Department of Defense that showcases the many ways America is showing its support for servicemembers and their families. The program lets servicemembers and their families know about the many activities Americans are doing to support our troops. Individuals or groups can join the "America Supports You" team by submitting information about their activities through the official website at The website offers detailed information on the program, including materials such as press kits, downloadable logos, stories of support, and an ever-growing page of responses from servicemembers around the world. You can also read about many other programs available for supporting our troops at
Campaign Seeks 2.6 Million "Thanks"
The Defense Department's "America Supports You" program and Shauna Fleming, 16, founder of "A Million Thanks," launched the "2.6 in 2006" letter-writing campaign January 1, 2006. The goal of the new campaign is to increase the number of letters of thanks to 2.6 million -- the total number of people in the armed forces, including the Guard and Reserve -- with the bulk of the letters coming from school-aged children. The initiative invites America's youth to make it their New Year's resolution to find ways to show their support for members of the U.S. armed forces and to start by sending a letter of thanks to a servicemember as part of the "2.6 in 2006" campaign. For information and rules on how to mail letters, cards, and messages, visit the "A Million Thanks" website
Higher Limits Extended in VA Home Loan Program
America's veterans and their families now have a greater chance to make their dreams of home ownership a reality, thanks to an increase in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) home loan guaranty limit. Effective January 1, 2006, changes in the loan guaranty limits will mean veterans are able to get no-down payment loans up to $417,000. The previous ceiling was $359,650. More information about VA home loan benefits is available on the Web at
PSA: Medicare Part D Begins
Medicare Part D started on January 1, 2006, but it is not too late to sign up. Medicare recipients have until May 15, 2006 to make a decision on whether to sign up for a Medicare drug plan. Also, anyone who enrolls during January, 2006 will be covered beginning February 1 More information about Medicare Part D is available at Medicare's toll-free telephone number 1-800-633-4227 and at Medicare's website
America Supports you is a wonderful site.....They do great work for out military.
My favorite is the Soldier's Angels program, but there are many others.
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