So, Three Muslims Walk Into A Port

But Bush is going to need a better justification for turning over management of our ports to an Arab country than he's come up with so far — especially now that Jimmy Carter has said it's a good idea. Judging from his life's work to date, Carter's definition of a good idea is "an idea likely to hurt America and/or help its enemies." continued archive
Friday will be my third part in the Portgate saga.......It isn't pretty.
I don't care what Bush and his sidekicks say, this is a bad deal.
I don't care if it is bigoted, we can't have Arab countries running squat in our nation's sensitive areas......Ports are just one.
I've always said I'm a National Defense Conservative first........Being a Republican is way down my list. In fact I'm a Republican-by-default.
What's really ridiculous is Bush going to the mat for his underlings in the maddening web of government officials........He had no idea of this deal before this week, which is understandable. No president has ever had his hands in 100% of the pie.
BUT WHY IN THE HELL IS HE ALLOWING HIMSELF TO TAKE THE FALL FOR THIS?? He should distance himself from it as fast as possible, and allow Congress to crush it.
He will take a few hits this way, but it won't devour him. If he continues to fight for it, he will get crushed by his own base.......And the damn Democrats will be able to vulture off the carnage.
It's stupid......It's Harriet Miers II.
If the Republicans lose the House in the fall I think they will look back to these few days and say, "That's what did it."
Read John Gibson's My Word UAE Port Deal Will Hurt GOP in November
If Bush stops this now the Republican's should be able to recover from this in November, maybe.
However, either way it goes the Democrat's have the ammo.
1. Bush gave the ports to terrorists.
2. We stopped Bush from giving the ports to terrorists.
Like Ann Coulter said, "The idea that the Democrats have any meaningful interest in America's national security is a joke."
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