Alec Baldwin v. Sean Hannity in Radio Donnybrook

HANNITY: Are you the guy that said of our vice president, while we're at war, while we're leading troops in harm's way - are you the reckless, third-rate Hollywood actor who said that Dick Cheney is a terrorist? Are you the guy . . .
BALDWIN: Yes I am.
HANNITY: ... who said to stone Henry Hyde to death? Are you the guy who said our president is a CIA mass murderer? I wanted you to come on the program and defend that, you gutless coward.
BALDWIN: OK. We're done. [Gets up and leaves the studio]
Read the exchange here
Alec Baldwin = Waste of sperm.
He's a complete idiot, and I pray he gets a national talk show.....We should be thrilled when these morons are willing to expose their stupidity to the world.
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