St. Paul, Minn. Officials Ban Easter Bunny

A toy rabbit, pastel-colored eggs and a sign with the words "Happy Easter" were removed from the lobby of the City Council offices, because of concerns they might offend non-Christians.
A council secretary had put up the decorations. They were not bought with city money.
St. Paul's human rights director, Tyrone Terrill, asked that the decorations be removed, saying they could be offensive to non-Christians.
But City Council member Dave Thune says removing the decorations went too far, and he wonders why they can't celebrate spring with "bunnies and fake grass."
© 2006 Associated Press
This is an example of stunning stupidity, knit picking and ignorance by elected officials. The Easter Bunny has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity. The Easter Bunny lore started because of fertility of Spring time. Next the tooth fairy and the Grinch will be on their list. Of course, they won't ban crime, drugs or terrorism. Attacks against children are getting all too common. My happy childhood memories were hunting for Easter eggs. Unbelievable! ~ The Victim (Amen)
The irony of this story is that it comes out of ST. PAUL.
If people are going to get bent out of shape over a bunny, how can they stand living in a city named after a Christian?
Maybe it should just be called Paul from now on, to make sure non-Christians don't feel alienated.
Does Paul sound too Christian?
That could be a problem, too.
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