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Monday, June 19, 2006

Letter urges Bush to join House bill

Top conservative leaders have written Presidente Arbusto telling him to drop his insistence on a guest-worker program and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens and instead support the 85 percent of congressional Republicans who want to tighten law enforcement first. Washington Times

According to Thomas Sowell -- in a column titled Birthright Sale
Here's what Sowell said:

    "Under a provision inserted at the eleventh hour by Senator Arlen Specter, the Senate bill forbids the federal government from building a fence without first consulting with the Mexican government."

    "In fact, state and local governments are also forbidden by this bill to take any border control actions without first consulting with their Mexican counterparts. In other words, if the city of San Diego wants to put up any sort of barriers, it would have to consult with the municipal authorities in Tijuana before doing so."
Can you actually imagine Vicente Fox -- or any other political leader in Mexico -- consenting to the erection of ANY fence?

Vernon Robinson, a GOP congressional candidate in North Carolina, also summarized the problems posed by 12 million illegal immigrants:
    "These illegal aliens are taking jobs away from American citizens and they're sponging off the American taxpayer. They're overflowing our public schools and colleges for a FREE EDUCATION, scamming our welfare and food stamp programs for a FREE HAND-OUT, filling our court rooms as criminal defendants, swarming our hospital emergency rooms for FREE MEDICAL CARE, and clogging the line at the DMV."
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