MSNBC's O'Donnell Grills Sheehan
The lefties aren't going to be happy about this one:

CINDY SHEEHAN: Actually, I don't hate the president either. I don't trash the president, I trash the president's foreign policy, which is fundamentally and inherently wrong and immoral. And I don't tell people around the world anything that they don't know.
O'DONNELL: But you called him the biggest terrorist in the world. So you are trashing the president.
SHEEHAN: Well you know he says a terrorist is somebody who kills innocent men, women and children, and there has been [sic] over 100,000 innocent men, women and children killed in Iraq on his orders.
That was just the beginning. O'Donnell went on to call Sheehan's hunger strike "really just more of a publicity stunt," challenge her on her fringe views and confront her over her association with Hugo Chavez. Glad to see someone in the media confront Sheehan over her extremist rhetoric, particularly the "Bush is a terrorist" trope.
O'DONNELL: Would you rather live under him [Hugo Chavez] than George Bush?
Sheehan: "Yes. Hugo Chavez is not a dictator like you introduced him. He's been democratically elected eight times. He is not anti-American, he has helped the poor people of America. Watch The Video Interview
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