They're dancing in the end zone

President Bush yesterday flagged Democrats for premature "dancing in the end zone," and predicted the front-running party would fumble away their chances of congressional control by Election Day.
"I understand here in Washington people have already determined the outcome of the election, like it's over even before the people actually start heading -- voting. But that's not what I see when I'm on the campaign trail. Yes, we've got some people dancing in the end zone here in Washington, D.C.; they've got them measuring their drapes; they're going over to the Capitol, and saying, my new office looks beautiful, (poke at House Minority Leader Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi, who quipped she'd have any office in the Capitol she wanted when Democrats take control.) I think I'm going to have this size drape there, or this color. But the American people are going to decide, and they're going to decide this race based upon who best to protect the American people and who best to keep the taxes low." more
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