I'm going to stay home and not vote

I've heard enough of "I'm going to stay home and not vote to teach the Republicans a lesson."
Here's the lesson you'll learn by not voting and letting the Democrats win.
Rangel Promises To Raise Your Taxes If Dem's Take Control
Then we have the toe sucker with this: (A Clinton White House Liberal.)
There Goes The GOP Base — And Probably Both Houses
So, stay home and let the Dem's win. The party that doesn't give a wit about this nations security - the party that advocates the al-Qaeda terrorists bill of rights.
And if you haven't been paying attention.
What a disgusting thought.
You may say what ever the Democrats do Bush will veto.
Oh yea. How many bills has Bush vetoed?
An e-mail sent this week by the conservative group GOPUSA.com carried the subject line, "How dare you not vote," and featured a column by veteran activist Doug Patton appealing to Republican voters' patriotism.
I will vote on November 7 and I will not vote for anyone with a D after their name.
Bravo, RJay.
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