Crowds on both coasts protest Iraq war
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A missed opportunity.
Labels: Hanoi Jane, Rally
"Political Correctness
is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
"Democrat choices for president: One candidate whose 20-year spiritual guru has an adversarial relationship with America, and another who has a life-long adversarial relationship with the truth." - Michelle Malkin
Labels: Hanoi Jane, Rally
A missed opportunitty indeed.......Would have been a perfect site for a MOAB test site.
Or the opportunity to load them all in cargo planes and drop them off in the Iraqi or Iranian desert and let them protest there.
Maybe I dont keep up with the Liberal sites the way I should although I have been sick, but I dont know how they snuck this one past us.
Why doesnt the Republican party offer to shuffle us in by the bus loads for free for these wacked out events? I would have gone!
Where the hell were the Protest Warriors? The Patriot Guard? Had we known about this we could have assembled a larger protest to counter act this crock of crap!
And let it be known, ANYONE who spit's on a US Soldier in front of me (And you never know where I might be) just better get prepared to have thier ass kicked!
It would be worth it to spend a few nights in jail for assualt!
THIS IS NOT THE 60'S, OR 70'S!!!!
Every single Troop enlisted or re-enlisted today said "Send Me"
When are the Liberal ilk going to get it through thier putrid little pathetic brains that we are in the fight for our own existance?
Liberals at this point are a waste of Oxygen.
How's one of my favorite bloggers?
Liberals are a waste oxygen and a waste of space. Visiting liberal sites is a waste of time.
Marie, Anyone reading your comment would think you hate liberals. 8^)
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