If you oppose illegal immigration, stop Martinez

The vote is scheduled for this Saturday, January 20. Here’s what you can do.
Each state has 2 RNC members who vote for the RNC chairman. Find the email addresses/phone numbers of the RNC members for your state here http://www.gop.com/States/. Let them know that you oppose Senator Martinez and his support of illegal aliens!
Rebellion is brewing among conservatives on the Republican National Committee over El Presidente Arbusto's attempt to "impose" Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida as "general chairman" of the party, who favors "amnesty" for illegal aliens. "I will be voting against Senator Martinez if he is nominated for any chairmanship of the RNC," Tina Benkiser, Texas Republican Party chairman, told The Washington Times yesterday.
Labels: Illegal Aliens, Stop Martinez
SICKENING!!! The whole party is falling apart, and the shit is about to hit the fan.
It's hard to believe we went from a 2004 majority win for Bush and both houses of congress to a loss of both houses and another Clinton in office in 2008.
I used to say Clinton was the best friend Republicans ever had, because he kid so much to hurt his party.........Looks like GW is doing the exact same thing.
Martinez as chairman will be a travesty......Sadly, as a Conservative I have no idea who else to support. The Republicans are pseudo-Cons at best, the Democrats are European Socialist-lite, and the third parties are a complete joke.
Maybe it's going to take a Hillary victory and another 9/11 before Americans wake up to the hell they are creating.......Or maybe the country wants to go down this road. I can't believe it is true, but it may be.
Yes, the party is falling apart.
RINO Bush is the best friend the liberals have.
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