Kill pro-"gay" bill / Fort Dix Six
On the Homeland Security front: The Fort Dix Six

Memo to Democrats ready to cut and run from Iraq:
The war nearly came to our soil once again this week with the foiled plot of six jihadis who sought to attack the Army base at Fort Dix, New Jersey, with guns and grenades. The plan was unveiled thanks to the vigilance of a store clerk who notified the FBI when the men delivered a tape of suspicious material that they wanted converted to DVD. (Yes, he was profiling.)
The tape showed ten men firing “assault weapons” while calling for jihad and shouting “Allah Akbar” (god is great). After an investigation, the men, all in their 20s, were arrested after trying to buy AK-47s and M-16s from an informant.

Liberals in the House of Representatives have passed the "hate crimes" bill, H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, by a margin of 237 to 180. The Senate version (S. 1105) deceptively and sensationally titled "The Matthew Shepard Act" is expected to be voted on soon. But to the consternation of the bill's proponents on the left, and to the relief of those who value the constitutional mandate of "equal protection under the law," the President's office has signaled that a veto is likely should the bill arrive on his desk.
This clearly unconstitutional piece of legislation would grant individuals who choose to engage in homosexual behavior ("sexual orientation") or cross-dressers suffering from gender identity disorder ("gender identity") favored treatment over other citizens by elevating them to a preferentially protected class of victim.
The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees "equal protection under the law" for all citizens — regardless of their sexual preference.
Labels: Fort Dix, Kill "Gay" Bill
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