Clinton: Torture like Jack Bauer's would be OK
Do Bill and Hillary Clinton harbor a secret fascination with special agent Jack Bauer? According to recent news reports, that just might be the case. Read the article here
Honestly, this is just too good to pass up. We have decided to feature special agent Jack Bauer as a guest on an upcoming episode of StopHerNow's Hillary Show. Imagine the possibilities as the world is facing certain peril and Hillary calls on Jack Bauer to save the day.
Here is where you can take part. We are making an open call for script ideas. Feel free to get your creative juices flowing and work up your rendition for this episode of The Hillary Show.

Off Topic.
Read the latest Ann Coulter column
Have You Hugged An Islamo-Fascist Today?
"Liberals believe in burning the American flag, urinating on crucifixes, and passing out birth control pills to 11-year-olds without telling their parents -- but God forbid an infidel touch a Quran at Guantanamo."
Labels: Ann Coulter, Clinton, Hillary, Torture
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