Murtha's War Hero Status Called Into Question

"[Murtha] is putting himself forward as some combat veteran with serious wounds and he's using that and it's dishonest and it's wrong," Bailey told Cybercast News Service on Jan. 9. trackback
San Francisco Chronicle/AP:
Cronkite: Time for U.S. to Leave Iraq
Former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite, now 89 years old, says he believes the United States should get out of Iraq now. He said the Bush administration should have used Hurricane Katrina as an excuse.
Iraqis should have been told that "our hearts are with you" and that the United States would do all it could to rebuild their country.
What does that mean? Have a nice day while you're being beheaded?
Murtha is a Murtha F'er, and his politics should be ripped at every opportunity.
But he was a good troop, and this should not be smeared.....His record is not that of John Kerry.
Murtha fought the good fight then and deserves every bit of thanks we extend our troops now.
Murtha fights the bad fight now and deserves every bit the venom Conservatives are throwing his way.
It's important not to mix up the then and now, though.
Baily: 'He's a phony and a liar'
Bailey said during the time Murtha was being investigated for his role in the Abscam FBI sting in 1980, Murtha made a confession on the House floor.
... you admitted, back in our corner, that you didn't earn your purple hearts (sic) (you indicated you had small scratch on your cheek that wasn't even directly related to an APC [Armored Personnel Carrier] that ran over a small antipersonnel mine that was behind you). The other purple heart [sic] you even declined to explain," wrote Bailey in an open letter dated May 5, 2002.
Is using "phoney" Purple Hearts for political purposes being a "good troop?" Isn't that what Kerry tried to do?
Murtha was probably a "good troop" at one time. Now he undermines the war on terror and damages the morale of our troops.
Murtha is the point man for the other anti-American Democrats who are afraid to say it.
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