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Wednesday, January 25, 2006


The Philanderer Shanklin
The National Enquirer splashes this week with a shocking story about Sen. Ted Kennedy’s secret love child with a Cape Cod woman whom the mag says he dated during his days as a swinging single.

Here’s the story according to the Boston Herald and the National Enquirer:
Back in 1983, Kennedy, then 51, took up with Caroline Bilodeau, an attractive brunette, several months before divorcing Joan, the mother of his three kids — Kara, Ted Jr. and Patrick.

Bilodeau’s friends told the Enquirer the local lass became so smitten with the senator, she “had dreams about being the next Mrs. Ted Kennedy.” But the love affair came crashing down when Bilodeau told Ted a baby was on the way, the mag reports.

“Caroline announced to the family that she was two months pregnant around May 1984,” blabbed a Bilodeau confidante. “Ted was not happy about the news. He already had three kids with Joan and knew a baby out of wedlock could hurt him politically.”

According to the Enquirer, the scandal-scarred senator begged Bilodeau to have an abortion, but she refused.

“He told her he couldn’t undergo another scandal — not after Chappaquiddick, not so close to his divorce from Joan” said the source. “He was very angry when she defied him and had the child.”
During her pregnancy, Caroline’s friends noticed the unemployed young woman who lived with her parents bought a black Mustang convertible, an expensive Shar-pei puppy and moved into her own apartment.

When Christopher was born in a Cape Cod hospital in December 1984, Kennedy was nowhere near the delivery room. But he did, according to the Enquirer, take a paternity test shortly thereafter to determine if the child was his.

After Bilodeau got the results, she moved back in with her parents but “always seemed to have money,” said the source.
This guy was questioning Judge Alito about ethics?

Caroline Bilodeau was smart enough not to take a drive with Sen. Kennedy over a bridge.

Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.

Kennedy Says Alito ‘Itching to Overturn Roe v. Wade’


At 7:18 PM, Blogger MasterGunner said...

Great Blog, Dude!

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Poison Pero said...

I still think the Duke's Gallery is one of the greats of all time:

I have more pics anytime you want to do a new one, RJ.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger RJay said...

Hey Mastergunner,
You have a great blog also.
Hope my blogspot helps with the hits.
You should be receiving lots of page views since Melanie Morgan plugged your blog on her her San Francisco radio show.

Thanks for all do to keep us safe.

At 8:58 PM, Blogger Marie's Two Cents said...

Somehow I think Teddy has more than 1 out-of-wedlock skeleton in his closet!
I knew it I just knew it!


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