By FrontPage Magazine
The WMD discovery exposes antiwar leftists for what they are.
The antiwar Left’s claim that “Bush lied” about Saddam Hussein possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction has itself been proven a lie.
Last night Sen. Rick Santorum, R-PA, and Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-MI, released the declassified overview of a report produced by the National Ground Intelligence Center, the group that has searched Iraq for Saddam Hussein’s WMDs since 2004. Its stunning revelation: there were WMDs, after all.

Time for the Dems to dine on some more crow!

Believe it: Iraq had WMDs and terrorist ties
It seems that those who want to see America lose the war against terrorism cannot accept the truth that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was a safe haven for terrorism, rife with chemical and biological weapons.
I wonder … if the new al-Qaida in Iraq leader, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, were to order the detonation of a chemical weapon outside Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes' studio, would the anti-war left finally believe in the existence of Iraq's WMD program? If nothing else, it would bring new meaning to Rhodes' shows on Friday when she likes to open by playing the song
"Bounce Your Boobies."
Move America Forward, has unveiled a new television ad that thanks the men and women of the U.S. military for a job well done in the war against terrorism. You can watch it here
Time for the Dems to dine on some more crow!
It would be good if they released the entire declassified report.
Cute crow, RJay, but still not appetizing!
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