Jimmy Carter: Tony Blair, Too Pro-American
This is unbelievable. You have got to read what this
anti-American former president said in this interview in The Telegraph UK
Being too pro-American is a bad thing ... at least according to Jimmy Carter. He reinforces the fact that these people (Liberal DemocRats) cannot be trusted with the security of this nation.
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The day the CARRS can correct their FU.
Have your opinion of this war changed forever.
Pelosi In Charge
Al Qaeda: Thank You, Nancy Pelosi
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Best Bob Hope Movie Line.
We must shove it down the Liberals throats from now till November how patheticly weak they are on National Security.
I just did a piece on Carter I wish I would have come here and read this before I posted. Oh well I will link it in the morning.
I am outraged at this.
Why cant Carter just go back to that Peanut gallery he calls a farm?
Go get em, Marie.
Let's hope the Republicans have the testículos to shove it down their throats or up some place where the sun doesn't shine.
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