Bill Clinton Defends Handling of Bin Laden

President Clinton gets defensive on 'FOX News Sunday'
Clinton accuses Chris Wallace of carrying out 'conservative hit job' on him after 'FOX News Sunday' host asked him about his administration's handling of Al Qaeda threat.
Video Part One x Video Part Two x Transcript
Let's never forget what a liar and fraud that Clinton was...
Remember this? The Clinton Laugh/Cry Video from 2002
Chris Wallace pushed the right buttons.
Clinton was caught unprepared for the questions
and he blew his cool for all of us to see.
Chris Wallace ended Clinton's search for a legacy.
This legacy will be preserved. Clinton Legacy Warning Rated R.
Clinton goes to his MSNBC willing accomplice.
Olbermann Invites Clinton to Attack Bush,
Hits FNC for Trying to 'Sandbag' Clinton'
Full article on News Busters
A few of Bill Clinton's memorable finger wags. FREEDOM EDEN: The Wagger
Rush: I think Clinton thinks he hit a home run, even though no Democrats are out there defending him. You gotta remember: Clinton's a pathological liar. His only truth is what he says. The real truth, reality, is not his. His reality is what his memory is, what he constructs it to be.
Richard Miniter: Bill Clinton's outburst on Fox News was something of a public service, launching a debate about the antiterror policies of his administration. This is important because every George W. Bush policy that arouses the ire of Democrats--the Patriot Act, extraordinary rendition, detention without trial, pre-emptive war--is a departure from his predecessor. Where policies overlap--air attacks on infrastructure, secret presidential orders to kill terrorists, intelligence sharing with allies, freezing bank accounts, using police to arrest terror suspects--there is little friction. The question, then, is whether America should return to Mr. Clinton's policies or soldier on with Mr. Bush's.
Wallace got him started, but didn't have the instincts to take Clinton all the way.
Damn I wish Hugh Hewitt could have morphed into Wallace's body.....He would have finished Clinton off.
Also, that Monica picture is great.......And brutal:)
I was going to put the Monica picture on the main post, but I thought that would be a little much.
If Bubba thought Hugh Hewitt would be there he would have gone straight to Olbermann.
That pic of Monica withholding evidence is priceless.
Something to remember is that in response to Wallace's question, Clinton focused on not killing bin Laden.
There's more to al Qaeda than bin Laden. Clinton didn't do anything to take out the terrorist network.
He damned himself when he said what an unknown entity al Qaeda was when he took office.
It was on his watch that al Qaeda flourished and the terrorist threat to America grew.
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