President's Radio Address
In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "Congress is considering two vital pieces of legislation ... By passing these critical bills, we will bring terrorists to justice, continue collecting vital intelligence from captured terrorists in a lawful way, and monitor terrorist communications, so we can stop new attacks on our nation."
Senate committee rejects Bush anti-terror plan.
Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia, normally a Bush supporter, pushed the measure through his Armed Services Committee by a 15-9 vote, with Warner and three other GOP lawmakers joining Democrats. The vote set the stage for a showdown on the Senate floor as early as next week.
- Three republicans, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and John Warner joined the anti-American, anti-war and anti-Bush liberal democrats to reject an anti-terror plan.
Do these senators think if we play nice with the enemy they will play nice with us?
Islamic fascists who sever prisoners heads.
Who strap explosives to babies.
What is the matter with these senators?
Are they crazy? Apparently McCain certainly is.
Read Richard Miniter GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA
The politically correct regulations are unbelievable. Detainees (not allowed to call them prisoners) are entitled to a full eight hours sleep and can't be woken up for interrogations. They enjoy three meals and five prayers per day, without interruption. They are entitled to a minimum of two hours of outdoor recreation per day.
I think we all know how to solve the problem. Don't we?
Related News Articles.
Please, explain, Sen. McCain Washington Times
McCain should explain why he is endangering a vital interrogation program that has saved many American lives.
Globe and Mail
"We must provide our military and intelligence professionals with the tools they need to protect our country from another attack."
McCain caught by NSA Wiretap Parody Paul Shanklin
Path To 911

I cringe at the thought of McCain winning the 2008 nomination.
There's no way I would vote for the Democrat nominee.......Which would be a worse president than McCain.
There's no way I would vote for a third party candidate........Which would be a complete waste of my vote.
There's no way I would not vote.....Which would be an abdication of my responsibility as a U.S. citizen.
What's worse is I don't see a better candidate.......There are people I like a lot more, but I don't think any of them can win.
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