Hamas' Mickey Mouse: Teaching Kids to Hate and Kill [Update]
May 12, 2007
Hamas Lied About Taking ‘Jihad Mickey’ Off PA TV
May 10, 2007
Hamas' Mickey Mouse: Teaching Kids to Hate and Kill was pulled from the Hamas-affiliated Al Aksa TV and "placed under review."

(IsraelNN.com) Hamas TV has a new children's show which features a Mickey Mouse lookalike. But this Mickey does not romp about with Pluto, nor does he woo Minnie Mouse. Instead – he teaches his young viewers to fight the "Zionist Occupation" and dream of a world dominated by Islam.
The squeaky-voiced Mickey Mouse lookalike, named Farfur, is the star of a weekly children’s program called Tomorrow’s Pioneers on the official Hamas TV station (Al-Aqsa TV), which broadcasts from Gaza via satellite to the entire Arab world. Farfur and his co-host, a young girl named Saraa’, teach children about such things as the importance of the daily prayers and drinking milk, but also instruct them to hate Israel and the US and support "resistance" – a euphemism for terror. More
Labels: Hamas, Micky Mouse
That is absolutely nauseating.
Hamas is training kids to hate and commit violence.
And some people in the U.S. are offended by an anvil dropping on Wile E. Coyote. That's supposed to be too violent for kids' consumption. Go figure.
Are these the same animals that brought us the video of a child cutting off someones head?
My apologies to Wile for inserting "We Can't Win" Reid's head on Wile's body.
The Reid Democrats will say this story is Bush's fault.
The same anti-American anti-Bush DemocRats that will probably say the plot on Fort Dix is Bush's fault.
This is nothing, if you ever want to hear the ultimate sickness of Islam's child propaganda you need to go to a lecture of Walid Shoebat.
He was raised to be a bombthrower, and has come to the US to tell his story.......I went to one a couple years ago and it was incredible.
And insane.
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