Hillary The Jock: I Play Pickup Basketball / Immigration Bill

She Played Pickup Basketball.
Hillary remembered she even had won a trophy once in an Arkansas mixed-doubles tournament.
- Among Hillary’s more hilarious claims:
- She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. who climbed Mount Everest.
- She was a Yankees fan when she lived in Chicago.
- She told upstate New Yorkers she had been a "duck hunter.”
- She claimed on Sept. 11 daughter Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center. NewsMax story

Pres. Bush said this weekend that he understands that a lot of Americans and Senators have trouble with a deal that allows legalization of 12-20 million illegal aliens in exchange for heavy-duty enforcement in the future.
He says he understands that many Americans don't trust that the Federal government will live up to the enforcement end of the bargain because of past failure to do so.
But Pres. Bush says he will go to Capitol Hill Tuesday, look the Republicans in the eye and assure them that they can trust him to see that all enforcement happens.
There is something terribly strange about his whole argument.
It is as if the President who has refused to enforce most immigration laws the last six years is somebody other than himself.
In addition, Pres. Bush appears to be saying, "You can trust me to enforce the law if you approve the amnesty" but he is suggesting that without passing the amnesty the illegal immigration problem is going to grow far worse because the President won't be enforcing the law!
And he wonders why people don't trust him?
When you are calling GOP Senators, (202-224-3121) you may want to remind them that they may not want to switch their immigration position to follow Pres. Bush's leadership since his unpopularity is the reason they are now in the Senate minority in the first place. NumbersUSA

Labels: Hillary The Jock, Illegal Aliens, Immigration Bill
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