Schwarzenegger Squashes Religious Freedom

Arnold SchwarzenKennedy, you have lost my vote.
Schwarzenegger wants to govern like a democrat we may as well vote for the real thing. The problem with that is; the democrats are going to vote for Schwarzenegger.
“Arnold Schwarzenegger has two faces,” said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), “He speaks at churches and says he believes in religious freedom and family values, yet he’s stabbing pro-family Californians in the back. People of faith are suffering under Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s not the lesser of two evils, he’s doing evil.”
READ THE BILL: SB 1441 uses the Penal Code's unnatural definition of “sex” to include transsexuality and transvestitism, and an expansive definition of "sexual orientation,” meaning both bisexuality and homosexuality.
SB 1437 prohibits textbooks, instructional materials, and school-sponsored activities from "reflecting adversely" on transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality, thus indirectly requiring positive portrayals of these sexual lifestyles in curriculum in all grades in all public schools. Consequently, schools would have to promote "same-sex marriages" and even sex-change procedures. SB 1437 is on the Senate floor.
AB 606 authorizes the California Superintendent of Public Instruction to arbitrarily withhold state funds from any district that does not adequately promote the State Department of Education’s “model policy” promoting transsexuality, bisexuality, or homosexuality in its school policies. Clears the way for transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual curriculum to be forced on all public schools. AB 606 is on the Senate floor.
AB 1056 would spend $250,000 in taxpayer dollars to promote transsexual, bisexual, and homosexual lifestyles under the banner of "tolerance education." Redefines "tolerance" to allow schools to force attitudinal support of transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality. AB 1056 is on the Senate floor.
Don't shrug and say, what do you expect from the land of fruits and nuts?
Most of the time, so goes California so goes the rest of the nation.
I didn't know about this, RJay.
Very revealing.
Think about it.
Holy Jihad Brigades make hostages convert to Islam at gunpoint.
The governor of California is treading on religious freedom in a much gentler way, but he's doing the same thing.
Denounce your beliefs and we'll give you state funds.
It's definitely a coercive move.
I've said it before - I just love the way you write.
I think I'll send a portion of this through the Action Center.
It will not I.D. you.
I sent one earlier today.
I received a form letter auto response thanking me for supporting the gov. 8^)
Here's hoping the religious community does the right thing.........PICKS UP AND LEAVES CALIFORNIA.
If they have any real beliefs they will shut down the schools, hospitals, etc.......But it won't happen, because they are whores to the $$.
This is what happens when you become dependant on the govt.
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