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Monday, November 27, 2006

Stop Her Now

Stop Her Now
Conservatives Launch Anti-Hillary Web Site
"An organization of concerned citizens that is dedicated to spreading the truth about Hillary Clinton and her dangerous ideas," the group Stop Her Now has set its sights on minimizing her chances of winning the Democratic nomination.
From The Land Of Fruits and Nuts
Barbara Boxer Picture From
California to be model in Congress

New Democrat-controlled Hill eyes state for agenda

Sen. Barbara Boxer, incoming chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, already has called for the "California approach" to addressing global warming. And House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco is scheduled to speak Monday with the chairman of the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Pelosi Announces Opening Session of 110th Congress

Bela Pelosi Graphic Rush.comWashington, D.C. – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi announced today that the House of Representatives will open the first session of the 110th Congress on January 4, 2007 and will remain in session for several weeks in January to take up crucial legislation that will address the urgent priorities of the American people. Click -->

  • Draining the swamp – break the link between lobbyists and legislation and commit to pay-as-you-go budgeting, no new deficit spending.
  • Making America more secure – implement the independent 9/11 Commission recommendations. "Making America more secure" put Hastings in as head of House Intel ~ Righton, Northern Illinois
  • Giving Americans a raise – increase the minimum wage.
  • Making college more affordable – cut the interest rate in half on federally subsidized student loans.
  • Making health care more affordable – negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. Hillary Health Care
  • Ending subsidies for Big Oil. End the "big oil" subsidies, and watch the cost go back up to $3.00 + a gallon ~ Tom G.
  • Giving hope to families with devastating diseases – allow stem cell research. More
    Their real "urgent priorities" are going to be investigations, subpoenas, impeachment hearings, anything anti-national security, and repeal the Bush tax cuts.
    One thing is certain: America will be weaker by the end of the Democrat's tenure: Pelosi's "reign of terror" will make certain of that! ~ Preacher

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bloggers: Thought You'd Like To Know

California Supreme Court Says Bloggers Can't Be Sued
In a victory for bloggers, newsgroup participants and other Web publishers, the California Supreme Court ruled Monday that individual Internet users cannot be held liable for republishing defamatory statements written by others.
Related Story CNET

Monday, November 20, 2006


On August 3, 1988, the House of Representatives adopted articles of impeachment against then-Judge Hastings. After a trial, he was convicted by the Senate and removed from office on October 20, 1989, for perjury and conspiracy to obtain a bribe. As the Washington Post reported in 1989, the Senate found that Hastings “engaged in the bribery conspiracy and repeatedly lied under oath at his [criminal] trial and forged letters in order to win acquittal.”

It's hard to believe that such sensitive info could be so easily accessed by a man who once sold his office to two mobsters for $150,000. It's harder to believe that a responsible leader of either party would gladly want Hastings to take the reins of the intel committee.
New York Post
San Jose Mercury News xx ChronWatch

Sunday, November 19, 2006

What Democrats "REALLY" Think About Iraq

The question must constantly be asked:
Why have Democrats changed their tune?
Sadly, they have chosen Politics
over National Unity...........Per normal.

Here's what Democrats were saying
before the 2000 election of George W. Bush:

"This is a man who has used poison gas on his own people and on his neighbors repeatedly. He's trying to get ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons. He could be a mass murderer of the first order of magnitude. We are not going to allow that to happen."
Vice President Al Gore (D) More here--> libbyquotes.blogspot
Democrat Quotes on Saddam's WMD Before the War from
Happy Terrorists That Dems Won

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Holocaust: Never Forget

Click Here to assemble these pictures.
No other dialog will be necessary.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.
This is in memory of the six million Jews who were massacred.
Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others,
claiming the Holocaust to be "a myth,"
it is imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

Send this to a friend by clicking the envelope icon below.
The funny thing is that although the author is rabidly left-wing, his point, that political extremism is bad, is far overshadowed by his point (unintended, I believe) that persecution based solely on religious belief is much worse. And I feel that this applies to the conservative, religious right just as well as to any other group. As touching and poignant as the cartoon is, I hope that the author realizes at some point what he has unintentionally done, and chokes on the thought. ~ John H. Palm Desert

Friday, November 17, 2006

Nancy Pelosi's Sour Grapes [UPDATE]

Peter SchweizerRoger Hedgecock
Roger Hedgecock Talks with Peter Schweizer author of the best-selling expose of liberal hypocrisy and exposing the real Nancy Pelosi...
“Do As I Say (Not As I Do)”

Hoyer Defeats Murtha in Bid for House Majority Leader
In a 149-86 vote, House Democrats Thursday elected Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland as House majority leader, delivering a defeat to Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania and a snub to new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had supported the losing candidate. Full Story
Last week, The American Thinker wrote about the people Pelosi hires.
Pelosi's illegal alien employees.
Remember Linda Chavez? She had to withdraw from consideration for a cabinet post because one of her employees was an illegal alien. So how about Nancy Pelosi, who would be third in line for succession if she becomes Majority Leader?

Investors Business Daily
brings us the following information about her family-owned vineyard. xx MS. PELOSI & MR. PAYOFF

As Peter Schweizer notes in his best-selling expose of liberal hypocrisy, “Do As I Say (Not As I Do),” part of the fortune of this defender of the working man is a Napa Valley vineyard worth $25 million that she owns with her husband. The vineyard produces expensive grapes for high-end wines. Napa grapes bring up to $4,000 a ton compared with $300 a ton for, say, San Joaquin grapes.

Read the whole thing to get a picture of the actual practices of this wealthy hypocritical liberal.

How The Left Was Won: An In-Depth Analysis of the Tools and Methodologies Used by Liberals to Undermine Society and Disrupt the Social Order.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lieberman Won't Rule Out GOP Change

John Cox © 2006 www.coxandforkum.comAppearing Sunday on "Meet the Press," Lieberman told moderator Tim Russert bluntly that he won't rule out caucusing with the GOP, if circumstances warranted the move.

Such a move, could throw control of the Senate to the Republicans. Democrats, with Lieberman voting with them, control the Senate 51-49. If Lieberman bolts, that divides the Senate 50-50, allowing Vice President Dick Cheney, as president of the Senate, to cast the deciding vote.

Lieberman made clear to Russert that he plans to stick with the Democrats.

November 14, 2006
Lieberman Accepts Homeland Security Committee Chairmanship
“I am honored to be selected by my peers to take over the Chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and I look forward to receiving the approval of the Democratic caucus and the full Senate.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

SchwarzenKennedy Happy Dems Won / San Francisco Values in Action

Pelosi draws fire for backing Murtha
"How can Americans believe that the Democrats will return integrity to the House when future Speaker Pelosi has endorsed an ethically challenged member for a leadership position?" said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the liberal group [CREW]
Have Americans ever been able to believe liberals?
And so it starts in California. Just the beginning.
SchwarzenKennedy Happy That Democrats Take Control of Congress

Governor SchwarzenKennedy goes beyond congratulating the Democrats for winning the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. He is HAPPY they won Congress. Maybe now we know why this year he did not help his GOP ticket. Maybe NOW we know why he made just ONE ten minute speech, in Columbus, Ohio, for the President in 2004. Seems he prefers Democrats to Republicans in Washington. As Paul Harvey says, "Now You Know The Rest of the Story".
SAN FRANCISCO Restaurant lobby fights health plan
San Francisco Values in Action. With the passage of a radical mandate for health care, dozens of San Francisco restaurants may go under, prices will definitely rise and business will go down. Government will cause hundreds, if not thousands to lose jobs, but Pelosi and friends will say the quality of life is better for those with jobs. Of course, those unemployed would differ. This is what Pelosi brings to the national debate—job loses, higher prices and bad policy. [Capital News]

Monday, November 13, 2006

Lorena Ochoa: Changing the subject.

Lorena Ochoaxxxxxxxxx _,,,^._.^,,,_
Question: Is the LPGA player of the year, Lorena Ochoa a guest worker?

With the win of the Mitchell Company Tournament of Champions., Ochoa earns her first Player of the Year award. Annika Sorenstam and Karrie Webb combined to win 10 of the last 11 Player of the Year awards. Other than Sorenstam and Webb, Ochoa is the first woman since 1996 to win Player of the Year.

22 Congressmen Hate Christmas

Below are just 2 past posts to remind the 25% of republicans who voted democrat just who and what they voted for.
How soon we forget.

Original post 12-27-2005
As the Christmas season draws to a close, we thought we would share the names of the 22 Congressman who voted against the pro-Christmas resolution:

Congressman Party-State District
Ackerman D-NY 5th
Blumenauer D-OR 3rd
Capps D-CA 23rd
Cleaver D-MO 5th
DeGette D-CO 1st
Harman D-CA 36th
Hastings D-FL 23rd
Honda D-CA 15th
Lee D-CA 9th
Lewis D-GA 5th
McDermott D-WA 7th
Miller, George D-CA 7th
Moore D-WI 4th
Moran D-VA 8th
Payne D-NJ 10th
Rush D-IL 1st
Schakowsky D-IL 9th
Scott D-VA 3rd
Stark D-CA 13th
Wasserman Schultz D-FL 20th
Wexler D-FL 19th
Woolsey D-CA 6th

Democrats Promise To Raise Taxes

Original post 11-1-2006
We (National Tax Limitation Committee) have one simple message:
Democrats have promised to raise taxes if they take control of Congress,
so why would anyone vote for them? Well, you did!


This Is America. Like It Or Leave It.

Original post 11-23-2005

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma School officials remove "God Bless America" signs from schools in fear that someone might be offended.

Channel 12 News in Long Island, New York, orders flags removed from the newsroom and red, white, and blue ribbons removed from the lapels of reporters. Why? Management did not want to appear biased and felt that our nations flag might give the appearance that "they lean one way or another"

Berkeley, California bans US Flags from being displayed on city fire trucks because they didn't want to offend anyone in the community.

In an "act of tolerance," the head of the public library at Florida Gulf Coast University ordered all "Proud to be an American" signs removed so as to not offend international students.

I, for one, am quite disturbed by these actions of so-called American citizens; and I am tired of this nation worrying about whether or not we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on September 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled in New York and Washington D.C. when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. In fact, our country's population is almost entirely composed of descendants of immigrants; however, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some native Americans, need to understand.

First of all, it is not our responsibility to continually try not to offend you in any way. This idea of America being a multi-cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture, called the "American Way" has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. Our forefathers fought, bled, and died at places such as Bunker Hill, Antietam, San Juan, Iwo Jima, Normandy, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf, for our way of life.

We speak English, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society — learn our language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some off-the-wall, Christian, Right Wing, political slogan — it is our national motto. It is engraved in stone in the House of Representatives in our Capitol and it is printed on our currency. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation; and this is clearly documented throughout our history. If it is appropriate for our motto to be inscribed in the halls of our highest level of Government, then it is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools.

God is in our pledge, our National Anthem, nearly every patriotic song, and in our founding documents. We honor His birth, death, and resurrection as holidays, and we turn to Him in prayer in times of crisis. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture and we are proud to have Him.

We are proud of our heritage and those who have so honorably defended our freedoms. We celebrate Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Flag Day. We have parades, picnics, and barbecues where we proudly wave our flag. As an American, I have the right to wave my flag, sing my national anthem, quote my national motto, and cite my pledge whenever and wherever I choose. If the Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.

The American culture is our way of life, our heritage, and we are proud of it. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. We are Americans, like it or not, this is our country, our land, and our lifestyle.

Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion about our government, culture, or society, and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, the right to leave.

If you agree, pass this onto other Americans!!

It is time to take a stand!!


The article above was written by Air Force veteran Barry Loudermilk VietNow National Magazine (printed Loudermilk's piece)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Congratulations, President Ford

Gerald FordCongratulations, President Ford: Today you've become the oldest living president in U.S. history. You've surpassed the record held by the late President Reagan and have now lived 34,089 days - or put another way, 93 years, three months and 29 days. Gerald Ford Historical Photos

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Press Conference by the President

"Now, after a series of thoughtful conversations, Secretary Rumsfeld and I agreed that the timing is right for new leadership at the Pentagon."
Press Conference by the President Transcript and Video
Bush Nominates Dr. Robert M. Gates to be Secretary of Defense Transcript and Video

Democrats Win House

I suppose I could, we all could, post a rant why the Republicans lost the House and are on the verge of losing the Senate. But what's the point.
Democrats won, Republicans lost.
As it turned out. It wasn't the economy, stupid.
The economy is booming.
The American people just had enough of George W. Bush.

Exit polls: 60% disapproved of Bush's handling of the Iraq war.
25% of Republicans voted Democrat.

Rumor: Dennis Hastert will resign from congress.
Question: Will Bush will find his veto pen?

However, let's look at these statistics in April, 2007 or One Year from now.
"The national unemployment rate has dropped to 4.4 percent. It's the lowest rate in more than five years. Over the past three months, America has added 470,000 new jobs, for a total of more than 6.8 million new jobs since August of 2003. Real wages rose 2.4 percent over the past year, which means an extra $1,327 for the typical family of four with two wage earners.
President's Radio Address November 4, 2006.
Search This Blog — Democrats Win House

Monday, November 06, 2006

John Kerry: U.S. Soldiers Not 'Smart' [Update]

Is John Kerry the Democrat Party Manchurian Candidate?
Sen. John Kerry has sparked outrage by suggesting
that U.S. troops in Iraq are uneducated and not "smart.”
Our troops in Iraq are sending John Kerry a message.
Photo taken by our brave soldiers in Iraq!

John Kerry Tells Us All What Democrats Really Think of Our Troops Fighting in Iraq
Kerry: It Was a 'Botched Joke'
Kerry says comments he made Monday that appeared to imply that American troops were uneducated were a "botched joke" intended to insult President Bush.

Watch the video and see if Kerry or anyone else laughs as if it's a joke at Bush's expense. xxxxx What he said is crystal clear.

ABC Highlights Role of NewsBusters In Getting Kerry Story Out with video.
American Legion to Sen. Kerry: Apologize Now
Here's his BS apology x That's No Apology x JIHAD IS FUN! VOTE DEMOCRAT!
xxxxxxxxxx Karl Rove's Dream: Kerry's October Surprise
In contrast, with the exception of Joe Lieberman and a few others, when it comes to recognizing the threats we face and taking appropriate action, Democrats are in a state of denial. As outlined in an Oct. 31 NewsMax story, Democrats have sought to kill the USA Patriot Act, which FBI agents and CIA officers consider their single most important tool for hunting down terrorists and preventing another 9/11 attack.

Two boys in Boston were playing baseball when one of them was attacked by a rabid Rottweiler. Thinking quickly, the other boy ripped a board off of a nearby fence, wedged it into the dog's collar and twisted it, breaking the dog's neck.

A newspaper reporter from the Boston Herald witnessed the incident and rushed over to interview the boy. The reporter began entering data into his laptop, beginning with the headline:" Brave Young Red Sox Fan Saves Friend from Jaws of Vicious Animal."

"But I'm not a Red Sox fan," the little hero interjected.

"Sorry" replied the reporter. "But since we're in Boston, Mass, I just assumed you were." Hitting the delete key, the reporter began: "John Kerry Fan Rescues Friend from Horrific Dog Attack."

"But I'm not a Kerry fan either," the boy responded.

The reporter said, "I assumed everybody in this state was either for the Red Sox or Kerry or Kennedy.
What team or person do you like?"

"I'm a Texas Ranger fan and I really like George W. Bush," the boy said.

Hitting the delete key, the reporter began again:
"Arrogant Little Conservative Bastard Kills Beloved Family Pet."
“Here’s the Merriam-Webster Unabridged entry for ‘Botch’:... To make a mess of through clumsiness, stupidity, or lack of ability : foul up hopelessly : BUNGLE, SPOIL, RUIN. Who uses the word ‘botched’ in regular conversation, anyway? Kerry, probably: ‘Theresa, m’dear, please sack the butler. He appears to have botched the martinis again.’ Kerry’s statement, and his refusal to admit he had said anything wrong, was so astonishingly... John Kerry, that even the Popular Press had trouble pretending the GOP was overreacting. Not Kerry, though. His tortured non-apology was issued as a printed statement, instead of him saying it in front of reporters: ‘I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform...’ Which is perilously close to a botched apology because a close reading shows Kerry regrets the misinterpretation of his words... as opposed to apologizing for his actual words which he actually spoke... Kerry’s botched joke is likely to trigger in heartland Republicans and Democrats a sense that the elitist Liberals of the Northeast and California coasts are still, at their core, anti-military and soft on national security issues... As I have told you before, there is a strong feeling among Americans who do not live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan that the National Democrats have a powerful Peacenik gene which... remains as a central element of their DNA.”
— Rich Galen

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Die

Saddam Guilty Saddam Hussein, the iron-fisted dictator who ruled Iraq for nearly a quarter of a century, was found guilty of crimes against humanity Sunday and sentenced to death by hanging. FOX NEWS

Inside Saddam's Courtroom Video

Pardon Agents Compean and Ramos!

Blast FAX Information.
Pardon Agents Compean and Ramos!
Send your own FAX or Email. Scroll down for addresses and phone numbers.

The shocking decision of U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton to throw the book at Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos, two brave and effective Border Patrol agents, will have a devastating effect on our efforts to secure our Southern borders. People nationwide are outraged. Many have expressed their indignation at this sickening misuse of our judicial system, which further hamstrings and intimidates our Border Patrol.

Tom Tancredo – Congressman, anti-immigration activist, and author of In Mortal Danger -- said: “This is not the message that our legal system should be giving to the drug cartels that are smuggling drugs, people and terrorists across our borders.” Andy Ramirez, of the non-profit Friends of the Border Patrol , said: “This is the greatest miscarriage of justice I have ever seen. This drug smuggler has fully contributed to the destruction of two brave agents and their families and has sent a very loud message to the other Border Patrol agents: If you confront a smuggler, this is what will happen to you.”

Congressman Tancredo and Mr. Ramirez are right. The drug cartels – and the Hispanic gangs like MS-13 – have just seen the light turn green. The Border Patrol has been stripped naked. It can’t fire a gun without risking ten years in prison. It can’t violate the speed limit without saying, “Mother, may I?” And if it detains an illegal alien dealing drugs, it may be violating his civil rights.

Twelve Congressmen have already expressed their deep concern to the President, saying: "[W]e ask that you use your power of presidential pardon, as granted by the United States Constitution in Article II, Section 2, to pardon these two Border Patrol agents.” The President MUST pardon these good men. The American people will not tolerate the imprisonment of two outstanding law officers who did nothing more than pursue an enemy of their country. This terrible wrong must be righted, if only to empower our Border Patrol to seal our borders.


Contacting the White House xx

Mailing Address
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
Texas Puts 'Virtual Border Watch' Online
Texas has started broadcasting live images of the U.S. border on the Internet in a security program that asks the public to report signs of illegal immigration or drug crimes. user account required.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

“Non-Apology Not Accepted,”

Families of Fallen U.S. Troops Make Stunning Visit to Iraq
* Group to Highlight News of Saddam’s Nuclear Weapons Program
* Rebut Senator John Kerry
* Report on the Successes of U.S. Troops in Iraq

Gold Star Families Surprise Iraq Trip!
On the heels of news reports that Saddam Hussein was developing a nuclear weapons program immediately prior to the commencement of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a delegation of Gold Star parents (who have lost a child in the war on Iraq) have made a historic trip to Iraq.

Never before has such a coordinated trip of Gold Star Family members to Iraq taken place.

We (MAF) will be providing you with continuous updates on the progress of this unprecedented event.

While the delegation was en route to Iraq, Move America Forward issued a news release headlined, “Non-Apology Not Accepted,” which expressed their dissatisfaction with Kerry’s subsequent apologies to the men and women of the military.
“Rather than apologizing for the hurtful words he used, he instead says he regrets that his words were misinterpreted? So apparently it is the fault of the American public, news media and the men and women of the United States Military for not being smart enough to understand what Senator Kerry meant to say?” said the statement.

* SacUnion: Gold Star Families Take Secret Trip to Iraq
* Canada Free Press:
Families of Fallen Soldiers Make Surprise Trip to Iraq!

* WorldNetDaily: Parents of fallen troops in surprise visit to Iraq
* MAF Press Release: Historic Trip to Iraq!
* Little Green Footballs: Anti-War Activists Express Desire for Gold Star Families to Die

Friday, November 03, 2006

'Obsession' to Air on Fox News Election Weekend

Fox News will be presenting a 40 minute version of the film "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" that had its World Premiere at the 2005 Liberty Film Festival.

"Obsession" was the Best Feature Film winner at last year's festival, and will be playing on Fox News Saturday Nov. 4th at 8pm/1am/5am, and Sunday Nov. 5th at 10pm. "Obsession" is a brilliant and absorbing look at how fundamentalist Islamic societies breed hatred of America, Israel, and the West by broadcasting a steady stream of anti-American, anti-Israeli propaganda on Middle-Eastern TV. Trailer and Clips

Village Idiots
Farmer Hillary Ad: "Invisible"
Paul Shanklin Parodies
We Hate The USA
Hillary For Prez
Conversations with Hillary 1 2
Deck Of Weasels "Illegitimus Non Carborundum"
Password Generator
PSA: Amber Stick
RJay ~ Conservative American Page 2
Our Nations Security Depends On It! Vote Republican
The day the CARRS can correct their FU. Have your opinion of this war changed forever.

Pelosi In Charge
Al Qaeda: Thank You, Nancy Pelosi
Do burkas have a future in America?
Liberalism Is A Mental Disease
The Ghost Breakers 1940
Best Bob Hope Movie Line.