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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

'Top Ten Reasons Hillary Clinton Loves America

'Top Ten Reasons Hillary Clinton Loves America'
From the May 5 Late Show with David Letterman, as read via satellite by Hillary Clinton, the "Top Ten Reasons Hillary Clinton Loves America." Late Show home page:
10. We have more Dakotas than every other country combined
9. Canadian Bacon: soggy and chewy; American Bacon: crisp and delicious!
8. Thanks to the Internet, I can order new pantsuits 24/7 -- there's your pantsuit joke, Dave. Are you happy?
7. 232 years and not one cookie shortage
6. TiVo
5. Did I mention the soup? MMM, soup
4. Did you know former President Teddy Roosevelt was an American?
3. Where else can you get a car painted for $29.95?
2. Is this the part where I say, "Live from New York it's Saturday Night Live!"?
1. Apparently anyone can get a talk show
-- Brent Baker


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

What Will it Take for Congress to Act?

from the desk of
As the price of oil and gasoline continues to rise to record levels, what is the solution offered by the Democrat-led Congress? Do nothing.
Two years ago, then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi assured the nation that, "Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices..." Since then, the price of gasoline has risen by more than 60%. And there is still no plan.
Congressional leadership has been so out of touch that last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi revealed that she doesn't even know how much a gallon of gas costs, claiming that it was more than a dollar below the actual price. Click here to see just how out of touch Speaker Pelosi and Congressional leaders are. Then call Speaker Pelosi's office at 202-225-0100 and tell her Americans need real solutions for the rising cost of gas.
Joe EuleChief of StaffFreedom's Watch


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Gates' Rules

Gates' Rules

To anyone with kids of any age, or anyone who has ever been a kid,
here's some advice Bill Gates recently dished out at a high school
speech about things they did not learn in school.

He talks about how feel-good politically correct teachings have created
a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept sets
them up for failure in the real world.

Here's what he said:

Rule 1: Life is not fair--get used to it.

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year
right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president
with a car phone, until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
He doesn't have tenure.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your grandparents had a different word for burger
flipping--they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine
about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as
they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning
your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are.
So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your
parents' generation, try de-lousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life has not. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades
and they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer.
This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off
and very few employers are interested in helping you "find yourself."
You'll have to do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have
to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Sent in By Carol D.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Expose Obama

"President Barack Hussein Obama," those have to be the scariest four words in the English language!

Ask yourself... do you really want the next President of the United States of America to be a man with ties to known Marxists such as Frank Marshall Davis and terrorists such as Bill Ayers and former PLO operative Rashid Khalidi?

Consider the fact that Barack Hussein Obama refuses to wear the flag on his lapel, or that he does not place his hand over his heart in the presence of the American flag.

Consider the fact that Barack Hussein Obama embraces Jeremiah Wright, a man who has preached the most vile racial hatred and anti-American sentiments from the pulpit for twenty years, while at the same time Barack Hussein Obama accuses decent hard-working Americans of bigotry when he says things like, "It's not surprising that they get bitter. They cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them... ."

Consider the fact that Barack Hussein Obama's wife Michelle said that her husband's candidacy marked, "the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."

But what really makes "President Barack Hussein Obama" the scariest four words in the English language is that fact that HE CAN BECOME THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

While the media would love to extend the news cycle as far as humanly possible throughout the primary season, the truth of the matter is that unless Hillary Clinton pulls off some kind of mathematical miracle, Barack Hussein Obama will go to the Democratic National Convention with more delegates.

And, with the exception of the Jeremiah Wright story, the liberal media has basically given Barack Hussein Obama a free pass -- and will continue to give him a free pass!

Moreover, Socialist billionaire George Soros of fame, and some of his cronies, have already spent millions of dollars and recently pledged to spend millions more to put this obscure first term United States Senator from Chicago into the White House.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Limbaugh, Schlussel

2007 - The US Supreme Court upholds the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in a 5-4 decision.

Mainstream Media Oblivious to Relevancy of Many Obama-gates
By: David Limbaugh
The dirty little secret about Barack Obama's indictment of flyover country is that he said what liberals, including Hillary Clinton, believe. Sufficient proof of this can be found in the liberal outrage at Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate, where Obama was pressed both by the moderators and Clinton to explain Bitter-gate, Wright-gate, Ayers-gate and Flag pin-gate.
Consider the uncannily similar reactions of columnists Tom Shales and Stephen Silver.
Shales expressed indignation that ABC News moderators Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos would dare ask Obama to justify his insulting remarks about small-town Americans and his relationships with certain anti-American people.
Shale's fumed, "For the first 52 minutes … Gibson and Stephanopoulos dwelled entirely on specious and gossipy trivia that already has been hashed and rehashed, in the hope of getting the candidates to claw at one another over disputes that are no longer news. Some were barely news to begin with."
Shales was particularly perturbed that Stephanopoulos "came up with such tired tripe as a charge that Obama once associated with a nutty bomb-throwing anarchist."
Continue reading "Mainstream Media Oblivious to Relevancy of Many Obama-gates"
Paging Dr. Jenny McCarthy: More Bimbo Science
By Debbie Schlussel
Last year, I told you about self-anointed medical "expert," Jenny McCarthy.
Yup, the same Jenny McCarthy who has a medical degree from the Hugh Hefner School of Advanced Silicone Medicine and Porn Sciences. And don't forget her valuable medical expertise gleaned from her days hosting MTV's "Singled Out" and her current scientific gig "dating" (euphemism) Jim Carrey.
Because her son is autistic, she looked for something to blame it on, and . . . voila, "child vaccines cause autism." At least, that's her theory and that held by a growing group of alarmists with the same medical "expertise" as McCarthy. And it's frightening parents from giving their kids necessary vaccines against diseases that are now making a comeback because of Jenny's Bimbo Science. McCarthy and her ilk have succeeded in persuading otherwise responsible parents to retreat back to the Stone Age when it comes to their children's health and available preventative medical treatments. Who knew that taking off your pants for the world (that's how McCarthy reached the D-list) would cause modern pediatric medicine to regress decades?
It's like a scene from the movie, "Idiocracy."
Continue reading "Paging Dr. Jenny McCarthy: More Bimbo Science" Source
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Friday, April 11, 2008

MRC DisHonors Awards

Ann Coulter presents funny videos from 2007 at the 2008 MRC DisHonors Awards, including Brian Williams' overblown report on "paper or plastic."

Matt Lauer: “He [Rush Limbaugh] makes a living poking fun at Democrats, but now some think he has gone a little too far in taking on Senator Barack Obama....”Reporter Michael Okwu: “Weeks before the Imus controversy, Rush Limbaugh started airing this ditty about Senator Barack Obama:”Song parody: “Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.”Okwu: “Which lead some to wonder, has Limbaugh been getting a free pass?...”Paul Waldman, Media Matters for America: “This is basically the radio equivalent of a black-faced, minstrel show. You’re going back to Amos and Andy and all of those, kind of, racist shows in the past.”Okwu: “For his part, Obama says he doesn’t listen to Limbaugh but says being targeted is part of being a politician....Legitimate political satire or something darker?”— NBC’s Today, May 21. Limbaugh’s parody was inspired by a black writer who used the term in a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed, “Obama the Magic Negro.” [79 points]
Matt Lauer: “He [Rush Limbaugh] makes a living poking fun at Democrats, but now some think he has gone a little too far in taking on Senator Barack Obama....”Reporter Michael Okwu: “Weeks before the Imus controversy, Rush Limbaugh started airing this ditty about Senator Barack Obama:”Song parody: “Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.”Okwu: “Which lead some to wonder, has Limbaugh been getting a free pass?...”Paul Waldman, Media Matters for America: “This is basically the radio equivalent of a black-faced, minstrel show. You’re going back to Amos and Andy and all of those, kind of, racist shows in the past.”Okwu: “For his part, Obama says he doesn’t listen to Limbaugh but says being targeted is part of being a politician....Legitimate political satire or something darker?”— NBC’s Today, May 21. Limbaugh’s parody was inspired by a black writer who used the term in a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed, “Obama the Magic Negro.” [79 points]
Matt Lauer: “He [Rush Limbaugh] makes a living poking fun at Democrats, but now some think he has gone a little too far in taking on Senator Barack Obama....”Reporter Michael Okwu: “Weeks before the Imus controversy, Rush Limbaugh started airing this ditty about Senator Barack Obama:”Song parody: “Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.”Okwu: “Which lead some to wonder, has Limbaugh been getting a free pass?...”Paul Waldman, Media Matters for America: “This is basically the radio equivalent of a black-faced, minstrel show. You’re going back to Amos and Andy and all of those, kind of, racist shows in the past.”Okwu: “For his part, Obama says he doesn’t listen to Limbaugh but says being targeted is part of being a politician....Legitimate political satire or something darker?”— NBC’s Today, May 21. Limbaugh’s parody was inspired by a black writer who used the term in a March 19 Los Angeles Times op-ed, “Obama the Magic Negro.” [79 points]
Drive By Media Award for Shooting at the Competition - Best of Notable Quotables 2007 -- Media Research Center


Illegal immigration continues to be one of the top issues among conservatives and all Americans across the country, and why wouldn't it be? Despite the rhetoric coming from some Washington leaders on the need to secure our borders and clamp down on the flow of illegal aliens, little to nothing has been done. Bills are passed calling for more border patrol agents -- then, only a fraction is actually hired. Bills are passed calling for a security fence on America's southern border -- then, political moves are made to defund it and slow its construction. Now, another bill has emerged in Congress which actually has bipartisan support and addresses some of the core concerns of the American people. As the debate heats up, we will soon see which politicians are on the side of security and the rule of law and which need to be voted out in November. ++ Read More


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Charlton Heston

Charlton Heston Made HistoryCharlton Heston
There are few of the old stars left in Hollywood, men who loved their country enough to show her the respect, service and loyalty she deserves. Charlton Heston was one of those stars.
Heston, 84, known for his controversial politics as much as his onscreen success, passed away from unknown causes at his Beverly Hills house with his wife of 64 years, Lydia, at his side. Why is it you're controversial if you are conservative? With age, he grew more conservative and campaigned for conservative candidates and causes.
If you are a conservative you are controversial. It's OK to be an anti-American liberal Democrat.


Friday, April 04, 2008

Thank you, President Lincoln

Obama should thank a republican president for making it possible for a black Muslim with a Muslim middle name, (Hussein) to run for president of the United States. Thirteenth Amendment

Hanoi Jane Endorses Obama Hanoi Jane
She was born Lady Jayne Seymour Fonda, but earned her reputation as "Hanoi Jane" Fonda after "aiding and abetting" the enemy -- North Vietnam -- as documented in these photos taken in Hanoi (July 1972)

PETER WEHNER Obama and the 'L' Word
Despite his 'postpartisan' rhetoric, the senator is a conventional liberal.

Mr. B. Hussein Obama has criticized the Supreme Court's decision to uphold a partial birth abortion ban, and he wants to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. He voted against John Roberts and Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. In Illinois, Mr. Obama supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. And he supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

On national security matters, Mr. B. Hussein Obama voted to deny legal immunity to telecom companies that have cooperated with the government in warrantless wiretapping of suspected terrorists. He wants to grant habeas corpus rights to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. He supports a full-scale withdrawal from Iraq. And he says, in his first year in office, he would meet with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea without preconditions.

It's no wonder that Mr. B. Hussein Obama has been endorsed by – one of the most radical groups within the liberal universe.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Movie Portrays Islam as Violent and Bloodthirsty

The long-awaited and controversial movie Fitna, which graphically portrays Islam as a religion seeking to dominate the world and slaughter non-believers, finally debuted on the internet on Thursday night.


Monday, March 24, 2008

The Obama Tidal Wave

Arab-American Activist Says Obama Hiding Anti-Israel Stance
Stark Evidence that Obama Lied About Rev. Jeremiah "Shabbos" Wright AND Rezko
The Obama "Race Speech" Did Nothin' For Me, How 'Bout You?
By Debbie Schlussel
Readers are asking me why I haven't commented on the "race speech" delivered by Barack Hussein Obama, this morning (video here). Well, because he didn't say anything that really addressed or assuaged me or anyone with any reason on his historically racist pastor. He basically said nothing.
Obama Attended Hate America Sermon
Obama's Church: Cauldron of Division
Obama and the Minister
Obama and the Minister
In a sermon delivered at Howard University, Barack Obama's longtime minister, friend and adviser blamed America for starting the AIDS virus, training professional killers, importing drugs and creating a racist society that would never elect a black candidate president.

Indeed, Mr. Obama has described Mr. Wright as his "sounding board" during the two decades he has known him. Mr. Obama has said he found religion through the minister in the 1980s. He joined the church in 1991 and walked down the aisle in a formal commitment of faith.

Mr. Obama obviously would not choose to belong to Mr. Wright's church and seek his advice unless he agreed with at least some of his views. In light of Mr. Wright's perspective, Michelle Obama's comment that she feels proud of America for the first time in her adult life makes perfect sense. continued
He refers to our country as "the U.S. of KKK" and insists that it should be: "not God Bless America but God damn America!" These are words one might expect to hear from the likes of Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro, but this is the same America that Mr. Obama does pledge his allegiance to. More
We are witnessing a political phenomenon with Barack Obama of rare magnitude. His speeches have inspired millions and yet most of his followers have no idea of what he stands for except platitudes of "Change" or that he says he will be a "Uniter". The power of speech from a charismatic person truly can be a powerful thing. Certainly Billy Graham had charisma and both his manner of speech and particularly the content changed millions. On the extreme other hand, the charisma of Adolph Hitler inspired millions and the results were catastrophic. Barack Obama certainly is no Hitler or a Billy Graham, but for many Americans out there feeling just like a surfer who might be ecstatic and euphoric while riding a tidal wave, the real story is what happens when it hits shore.
B. Hussein Obama
Just Some of What Defines Barack Hussein Obama:

  • He voted against banning partial birth abortion.

  • He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.

  • Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government.

  • In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing.

  • Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as a minimum wage affair.

  • Admitted marijuana and cocaine use in high school and in college.
    His religious convictions are very murky.

  • He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

  • Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations.

  • Opposed the Patriot Act.

  • First bill he signed that was passed was campaign finance reform.

  • Voted No on prohibiting law suits against gun manufacturers.

  • Supports universal healthcare.

  • Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.

  • Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

  • Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.

  • Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform. Would result in 20 million instant citizens never having paid SS, many refusing to speak English, immediately sending for their 40 to 50 million extended relatives telling them not to wait and obey the laws, the once mighty USA is theirs for the taking.

  • Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.

  • Wants to make the minimum wage a "living wage".

  • Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes.

  • Is a big believer in the separation of church and state.

  • Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid.

  • He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.

  • He voted No on repealing the "Death" Tax.

  • He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax.

  • Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded.

  • He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing

  • Barack Hussein Obama
    If your political choices are consistent with Barack Obama's and you think that his positions will bring America together or make it a better place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and not forward this Email. If you are like most Americans that after examining what he stands for, are truly not in line with his record, it would be prudent to get off the wave or better yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and undermines the very foundations of this great Country. We have limited time to save America or the Supreme Court as we know it. Inaction is action.

    If you agree this is important, pass it on. The mainstream media will not do it for you!


    Saturday, March 15, 2008

    Kennedy Dumps Fuel into Nantucket Sound

    Ted Kennedy has called Nantucket Sound near his Massachusetts estate “a national treasure” — but that didn’t stop the senator from having oil dumped from his yacht into its waters.

    The local photographer was so shocked by the oil slick coming from Kennedy’s yacht Mya that he rowed his dinghy out to question the crew member left aboard. News Max

    As Newsmax reported earlier, Kennedy has opposed a proposal to construct a wind farm in Nantucket Sound to produce cheap, clean energy. Asked why, he said: “That’s where I sail.”

    The Cape Wind Project would erect 130 windmills in Nantucket Sound and could provide three-fourths of the power needed by Cape Cod and nearby islands, which is now largely supplied by coal-fired plants.

    But the project had a powerful enemy in Sen. Kennedy, who has voiced strong support for alternative energy projects - as long as they are not in his backyard.

    "The problem was not aesthetic; the Kennedys wouldn't be able to actually see the turbines from their home. Instead Robert Kennedy Jr., who had been beating the drum for alternative sources of energy for more than a decade, complained that the project would be built in one of the family's favorite sailing and yachting areas."


    Friday, March 14, 2008

    Violent 'Peace' Activists Attack Military Recruiting Centers

    Move America Forward are released a report on the wave of violent attacks against military recruiters all across America. Bombs have been planted at recruiting offices in multiple cities, shots have been fired, manure and human blood smeared at recruiting offices.

    It's a shocking display of hypocrisy on the part of the "peace" movement, and when you see our report, you'll be hard-pressed to find it to be anything short of acts of sedition.

    See the reports and the new TV ad that kicks off this national pushback by Move America Forward at our website:


    Wednesday, March 05, 2008

    Jack Nicholson Stars in Hillary Ad / Hillary wins Texas and Ohio

    Call her the Comeback Kid II. Hillary Rodham Clinton scored stunning victories over Barack Hussein Obama in Ohio and Texas early this morning - snapping her 12-state losing streak and injecting new life into a campaign that had been on the...full story
    From Hollywood Confidential
    Actor and perennial bad-boy Jack Nicholson is trying to help the Hillary Clinton campaign by calling her the “sexy” candidate.

    With help from director and Clinton-backer Rob Reiner, a montage of shots from various Nicholson’s films was incorporated into a Hillary campaign ad.

    In a famous scene from “A Few Good Men,” Nicholson, via his character, declares, “There's nothing sexier than saluting a woman.”

    Another part of the ad features the actor’s creepy character from “The Shining,” who intones, “Things could be better, Lloyd. Things could be a whole lot better.” Simultaneously, the words “Clinton has a plan to deal with the nearly 47 million Americans without health care” flash on the screen.

    “Jack and Hill” was unleashed on the Internet just in time for the Super Tuesday sequel.

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    March 7, 2025
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    The day the CARRS can correct their FU.
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