McKinney probe summons staffers

The investigation into the scuffle between Rep. Cynthia A. McKinney and a Capitol Police officer is moving forward, with several Hill staffers being subpoenaed as witnesses. more
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"Political Correctness
is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
"Democrat choices for president: One candidate whose 20-year spiritual guru has an adversarial relationship with America, and another who has a life-long adversarial relationship with the truth." - Michelle Malkin
Graphic Courtesy American Digest
America is facing a severe immigration crisis.We're losing our country. These illegal aliens want our country to be the United States of Mexico. At 7:00 PM Spanish speaking radio stations will play a recording of Our National Anthem sung in Spanish.
Try this in Mexico Immigration Laws back link
Come November the republicans will lose control of the House and the first thing the Democrats will do is to IMPEACH BUSH.
Then come November 2008 a Democrat or a RINO will become President and this country will begin it's decent to hell. We will all need to learn to speak Arabic (boos teezee) and while you're at it you better learn to speak Spanish aquí Estados Unidos de México
The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday that it would be implementing a new, revolutionary, cutting-edge, state-of-the-art approach to the illegal immigration problem. What is this “new” approach? Believe it or not, the department declared that the U.S. would now be cracking down on employers who “knowingly and recklessly” hire illegal aliens. In other words, they are going to try a “new” program called “enforcing existing laws.” Guess what? It works!
"Elephants or Donkeys, they are a two-headed & anti-life monster.April 12, 2006 Ann Coulter
It is just "nicer" to be a monster that eats criminals
than one that eats babies." samrocha
A federal court has upheld an Indiana law requiring people to show a government-issued photo ID before voting, much to the disappointment of the Democratic Party, which says many of its constituents -- minorities, the poor, the elderly and the disabled -- will be adversely affected.
I have a problem with this quote from Dr. Dino.The ruling means voters who show up for Indiana's May 2 primary must produce a driver's license, passport, or other photo identification issued by the state or federal government.
What does "lawfully eligible" mean.
What it probably means is; People born in their homes because they couldn't afford a hospital or had no way of getting there. Therefore they don't have a birth certificate to prove citizenship. The DemocRats probably played the race card on this one.
What it really means is; it will be more difficult for us to commit voter fraud. Of course the donkeys will Appeal Ruling on Indiana's Voter ID Law or attempt to.
Once again, the Democratic Party has come down firmly against any measure to reduce voter fraud. I guess it's because fraud is such a fruitful source of votes for their candidates. ~ Ohiowoman
Just proof again that they have to scramble for every vote they can from illegals, jail birds and the dead! ~ Thundercat
The reason Vietcong Jane did not want to do a tour of Iraq is because:
#1. She would have to hire her own bodyguards (if anyone was stupid enough to bodyguard for her)
#2. She is afraid that the terrorists would not give her a free pass (being a woman and a non-Arab) for safe passage.
#3.The fighting men and women of our armed forces would probably turn a blind eye if she were kidnapped in front of them and wish the terrorists good luck. ~ Love my Texas.
We (Move America Forward) launched the Censure Jimmy Carter campaign [] because we felt it was important that someone who was seriously undermining America's national security be held accountable for his actions.
Ann Coulter has the solution.
Asked how she would solve the illegal immigration problem, Coulter told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly on Thursday: "I'd build a wall. In fact, I'd hire illegal immigrants to build the wall."
Coulter told O'Reilly that she also favors deporting illegal aliens wherever they turn up, noting that immigration authorities missed a perfect opportunity to get a head start on the effort with the recent wave of pro-illegal protests.
"We could have done it very easily in the last week," she explained. "You could have just sent paddy wagons to the protests."
As outrageous as Coulter's comments may seem, her views on illegal immigration are firmly in the mainstream of U.S. public opinion. Insider Report
Track Back To October 2005
April 6, 2006 Lois Capps (D - CA) of Congressional District number 23 of California Joined by More Than 100 House Members in Call to Protect Coast From New Off Shore Oil and Gas Drilling.
'Dobie Gillis' Actress Pushes for Mandatory Gay History
Other than AIDS what was the historical impact of Gays in America?
Well, isn't she just too special? How did this go from a racially motivated, and practically an assault on her, her gender and her race, to a "misunderstanding?"Back Link
I saw that apology and if I got an apology from one of my kids in that tone of voice, with the rolling of eyes like she gave, my kid would be grounded til she was 32.
But she isn't a rebellious teenager, she's a member of Congress, a grown woman and supposedly a citizen of the USA...a country of law.
Kids get grounded, congress people get censured. ~ RadioWoman
President Bush on Friday said, "These gains are the result of the energy and the effort of American workers, small business owners and entrepreneurs. They are also the result of pro-growth economic policies. The tax cuts I signed left $880 billion with our nation's workers, small business owners and families. They've used that money to fuel our economic resurgence." Full Story
Still thinking about illegal immigration, one of the arguments that I hear and have to take issue with is the one which asserts that these illegals don’t take jobs from Americans because they do jobs that Americans won’t do. I keep trying to figure out which jobs these may be. But it doesn’t really matter. The simple fact is that illegal immigrants aren’t here to satisfy our needs; they are not here to do us any favors. They are here because they cannot find work in their home country (you know, the country whose flag they fly while demanding that we give them certain rights). And the jobs they do are not jobs that Americans won’t do, but jobs that Americans don’t have to do, for various reasons.
Posted on Tanker Brothers Two Soldiers In The War On Terror visit Tanker Brothers and click this link "Read the whole post HERE."
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat and primary author of the bill, defends the program and it appears President Bush is in bed with him, so to speak, for in-state tuition. The Democrats are doing to Bush 43 what the Democrats and former Senator James Sasser did to Bush 41 when they conned him into raising taxes after he said, "Read my lips, no new taxes." We all know what happened to him."In France, rioters looted stores. Actually to be politically correct you cannot call them looters anymore. You now have to call them undocumented shoppers." --Jay Leno
If this bill, granting illegal aliens (criminals) to in-state tuition at public colleges and universities, becomes law there will be a backlash from middle America. The Republicans will wake up the day after the elections and find the Democrats the House majority and Nancy P. the Speaker of the House. Her first order of business will be to impeach Bush.
Rush Takes on 'Disastrous' Jimmy Carter
Ready for America’s Surrender