Do we want socialized medicine?
I live in The Land of Fruits and Nuts, Palm Springs area of Southern California. Last year my cardiologist informed me that he would no longer accept my HMO. When I asked my primary doctor for a cardiologist referral I was told that it wasn't possible. I would have to have a cardiac episode in order to see one and that could only be done in an ER.
I recently had need for an Urologist. He said, I would need minor surgery to correct a urinary problem. I was also told that he would not accept my HMO as of April 1, 2007. My primary had to refer me to a HMO Urologist. When they contacted me I was told that I couldn't be seen until April 24, 2007. This is for the initial visit. How long the waiting list for surgery is I do not know at this time. I was also told that this Urologist is the only Urologist accepting HMO in the entire Coachella Valley (Palm Springs Area.)
World ends, Democrats’ constituency hardest hit
The Washington Post recently reported on the recent death of a 12-year-old boy from a tooth infection that spread to his brain. The Post attributes his death to racial and socioeconomic disparities in access to healthcare. Yet his tragic death was not because he was of particular ethnicity or socioeconomic status. He died because he was a victim of government healthcare.
Due to the federal government’s outrageously low reimbursement rates and bureaucratic labyrinth, the boy’s family was unable to find a dentist that would accept the government coverage. The number of medical providers who refuse Medicare or Medicaid patients is far greater than most consumers realize, because many physicians don’t like being handcuffed by excessive government bureaucracy and artificially low government-reimbursement rates that cause a financial loss on nearly every medical procedure.
Hillary Clinton has promised to bring her government healthcare program to the unwashed masses. If she or other liberals are successful in socializing healthcare, look for more Americans to suffer and die from the tender mercies of a massive government bureaucracy. Patriot Post
Is this what you want Health Care For All ?
Schwarzenegger does - Hillary and the Liberals do.

Some of our politicians hold up the Canadian and British nationalized health care systems as models for us.
You can bet that should we ever have such a system, they would exempt themselves from what the rest of us would have to endure.
There’s a cure for our health care problems.
That cure is not to demand more government but less government.
I challenge anyone to identify a problem with health care in America that is not caused or aggravated by federal, state and local governments."
Walter Williams
Labels: National Health Care, Socialized Medicine