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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Al-Qaida in Iraq: 4,000 insurgents dead

More Bad News for the anti-American anti-War liberal left.
The new leader of al-Qaida in Iraq purportedly called on Muslims to make the holy month of Ramadan a 'month of holy war' and urged insurgents in Iraq to kidnap Westerners.

Harry "anti-war" Reid wants to give captured terrorists an al-Qaida bill of rights. There you go Reid, here's your chance to go to Iraq. If you get captured you can involk your rights. If you still have your head.

The head of al-Qaida in Iraq has admitted that Coalition forces have killed 4,000 terrorists belonging to, or allied with, al-Qaida in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

But wait, isn't Iraq supposed to be a distraction from the war on terrorism? That's one of the many lies from the anti-war crowd who have shamelessly tried to undermine the war effort.

A new report from the head of al-Qaida in Iraq indicates that more than 4,000 foreign fighters belonging to or allied with al-Qaida have been killed as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Yes, lefties, Iraq is the center of terror war


President Bush yesterday accused critics who contend the war in Iraq has made the United States more vulnerable to terrorist attacks of being duped by "the enemy's propaganda."

Pelosi: "He is out of touch with reality when it comes to what needs to be done to fight and win the war on terror."
Well, Pelosi, tell us what needs to be done.
Oh, I know, CUT AND RUN!
How can any patriotic American continue to vote for people like "Old Stretch Face?"



The Senate just finished passing the House of Representative's fence bill.

It will now go to President Bush who has promised to sign it.

This is a stand-alone bill. It was not bundled with any compromises, any increases in immigration, any new guestworker visas or any amnesty.

A lot of the Senators such as Sen. Martinez (R-FL) who so vociferously (cries of protest) spoke against this bill ended up voting for it.

Why? Because they knew that regular voting citizens like you would hold them accountable.
Boxer (D-CA) Carper (D-DE) Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT) Harkin (D-IA) Kohl (D-WI)
Obama (D-IL) Schumer (D-NY)

Akaka (D-HI) Bingaman (D-NM) Cantwell (D-WA)
Chafee (R-RI) Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI)
Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kerry (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT) Menendez (D-NJ) Murray (D-WA)
Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Salazar (D-CO) Sarbanes (D-MD)

Hats off to, the Minutemen and a number of other smaller groups who really championed this rather obscure cause in the early stages. Washington Times

Friday, September 29, 2006

Senate OKs detainees tribunal bill

The Senate gave its final approval yesterday for President Bush's proposal for interrogating and prosecuting the terror suspects held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, sending the legislation to the White House for Mr. Bush's signature.

The terrorist tribunal bill, a modified version of a proposal offered by Mr. Bush, passed on an 65-34 vote. Fifty-three Republicans and 12 Democrats voted for the bill. Thirty-two Democrats were joined by Sen. Lincoln Chafee, Rhode Island Republican, and Sen. James M. Jeffords, Vermont independent, in voting against the measure. One Republican -- Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine -- did not vote. Senate Roll Call

Minority Whip Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, led most of his caucus in opposing the plan because, he said, "it does not provide the terror suspects with enough of the civil rights granted to Americans facing trials in U.S. courts."
Reid wants a terrorist bill of rights.
The same bill of rights Americans have.
Reid, you had better not go to Iraq because you might not make it back.
You just may get captured. Then you'll know what your rights are - if you still have a head.

"Debbie Stabenow today sided with trial lawyers and terrorists instead of common sense," Brian Walton, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said after she voted for the amendment. "Stabenow's continued incompetence when it comes to keeping America safe is staggering." Reid, take her with you.

Also yesterday, the House approved the Bush administration's terrorist surveillance program aimed at capturing international communications between terrorist plotters.
"You can't say that you're serious about taking on the terrorists if you stand up here every day and vote 'no,'" said Majority Leader John A. Boehner, Ohio Republican. Washington Times

President Bush yesterday said Democrats have ditched the tradition of the great war-fighting presidents of the 20th century to become
"the party of cut and run," and accused them of using leaked excerpts of a recent intelligence estimate to mislead voters before midterm elections.
In his most politically biting speech yet in this campaign, Mr. Bush slammed his political opponents for not having an Iraq policy, then warned against embracing the conclusions of some top members of their party who say Iraq is a distraction from the war on terror.
"Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on American homeland in our history, the Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction, and endless second-guessing."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Recommend Reading: Dick Morris / Ann Coulter

The real Clinton emerges
From behind the benign façade and the tranquilizing smile, the real Bill Clinton emerged Sunday during Chris Wallace’s interview on Fox News Channel. There he was on live television, the man those who have worked for him have come to know – the angry, sarcastic, snarling, self-righteous, bombastic bully, roused to a fever pitch. The truer the accusation, the greater the feigned indignation. Clinton jabbed his finger in Wallace’s face, poking his knee, and invading the commentator’s space. Dick Morris Column
Click to enlargeClick to enlarge
According to Wallace, Clinton's aide, Jay Carson, demanded that the interview be stopped a few minutes into Clinton's tantrum — just before the part where he threw the lamp at Wallace. The last time Clinton got that red in the face, the encounter ended with a stained dress. Even Muslims thought Clinton overreacted. But the Clinton Kool-Aid drinkers tell us this was a masterfully planned set-piece by their leader.
Clinton shouted so many lies during his televised meltdown, only the World Wide Web can capture them all. These are just a few.

Clinton yelled at Wallace: "What did I do? What did I do? I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since." Ann Coulter Column x Ann Coulter Column Archives
Click To Enlarge

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Illegal Immigrant Kills Officer

H.R. 6095 ... Passed 277-140
Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 2006

What passed Thursday September 21 basically reaffirms the inherent authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws.
Here is how the Parties voted:
Republicans 215
Democrats 62

Republicans 5
Democrats 134
Independent 1

Illegal aliens in this country.
All of them are not hardworking and honest people.
A lot of them are CRIMINALS and bottom feeders just like this guy.
Officer fatally shot by illegal alien in patrol car
The suspect, Juan Quintero, accused in the murder of Officer Rodney Johnson, 40, appeared in court early Friday morning. A judge denied the 32-year-old bond at his probable cause hearing downtown.
Quintero is an illegal immigrant. According to the City of Houston's crime victim office, he was deported after having been convicted of indecency with a child.

Illegal aliens tried in gang rapes September 10, 2006
Illegal Mexican Kills Tampa Cop January, 2006
Illegal Alien Allegedly Kills Cop May, 2005
OUTRAGE IN DENVER Michelle Malkin May 11, 2005

View Government Spending Online

More Bad NewsMore Bad News For The Democrats and some Republicans.
Bush Signs Bill to Allow Taxpayers to View Government Spending Online
President Bush said Tuesday that Americans will now be able to "Google their tax dollars," as he signed a law to create an online database for tracking about $1 trillion in government spending on grants and contracts.

The law is aimed preventing wasteful spending by opening the federal budget to greater scrutiny. The information is already available, but the Web site would make it easier for those who aren't experts on the process to see how taxpayer dollars are being spent.
The law calls for the Web site to go online by Jan. 1, 2008. It will list federal grants and contracts greater than $25,000, except for those classified for national security reasons. More

A day without illegal aliens

What would a day without illegal aliens really be like?
Let’s try to imagine it.

Rep. Tom Tancredo, Republican from Colorado, a longtime opponent of illegal immigration, says the May 1 Latino worker boycott is "a bust” when it comes to changing public opinion in America.

"When the average American looks out on the streets and sees people demanding ‘rights’ ... even though the protesters illegally snuck into our country, it doesn’t play well in Peoria,” Tancredo said. "I don’t think it’s working in favor of the illegals, but I hope they keep it up.”
"If a million illegal aliens and their left-wing supporters hold a rally, and nobody except the media notices, did they hold a rally?" - Rush

"I know that many of you in California had a great day yesterday because the roads and malls were relatively clear, the traffic was less, and uninsured motorists weren't on the highway." - Rush

Monday, September 25, 2006

Bill Clinton Defends Handling of Bin Laden

President Clinton gets defensive on 'FOX News Sunday'
Clinton accuses Chris Wallace of carrying out 'conservative hit job' on him after 'FOX News Sunday' host asked him about his administration's handling of Al Qaeda threat.
Video Part One x Video Part Two x Transcript
Let's never forget what a liar and fraud that Clinton was...
Remember this?
The Clinton Laugh/Cry Video from 2002

Chris Wallace pushed the right buttons.
Clinton was caught unprepared for the questions
and he blew his cool for all of us to see.
Chris Wallace ended Clinton's search for a legacy.

This legacy will be preserved. Clinton Legacy Warning Rated R.

Clinton goes to his MSNBC willing accomplice.
Olbermann Invites Clinton to Attack Bush,
Hits FNC for Trying to 'Sandbag' Clinton'
Full article on
News Busters

A few of Bill Clinton's memorable finger wags. FREEDOM EDEN: The Wagger
Rush: I think Clinton thinks he hit a home run, even though no Democrats are out there defending him. You gotta remember: Clinton's a pathological liar. His only truth is what he says. The real truth, reality, is not his. His reality is what his memory is, what he constructs it to be.

Richard Miniter: Bill Clinton's outburst on Fox News was something of a public service, launching a debate about the antiterror policies of his administration. This is important because every George W. Bush policy that arouses the ire of Democrats--the Patriot Act, extraordinary rendition, detention without trial, pre-emptive war--is a departure from his predecessor. Where policies overlap--air attacks on infrastructure, secret presidential orders to kill terrorists, intelligence sharing with allies, freezing bank accounts, using police to arrest terror suspects--there is little friction. The question, then, is whether America should return to Mr. Clinton's policies or soldier on with Mr. Bush's.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Rangel rebukes Chavez on Bush

Charles RangelVenezuelan President Hugo Chavez took his Bush-bashing to Harlem yesterday and earned a stiff rebuke from the New York district's congressman, Rep. Charles B. Rangel, who is no fan of President Bush.

"You don't come into my country, you don't come into my congressional district and criticize my president," Mr. Rangel, a Democrat, told stunned reporters on Capitol Hill.

Mr. Rangel, who is one of Mr. Bush's harshest critics, said no foreign official should assume that "Americans do not feel offended when you offend our chief of state." Washington Times

The remainder of this story indicates the Democrats are trying to distance them selves from Chavez.
Except for Sen. Tom Harkin, Iowa Democrat, who defended Mr. Chavez in an interview with Radio Iowa.
Though the remarks were "incendiary," Mr. Harkin said, "I can understand the frustration, and the anger of certain people around the world because of George Bush's policies."
FREEDOM EDEN: Sulfur by Any Other Name...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Smith: Glorify The Criminal

Smith, which is produced by John Wells (The West Wing)
that should tell you all you need to know.

SMITH stars Emmy Award winner Ray Liotta as a criminal mastermind in this drama about a close-knit crew of criminals who plot and execute high-stakes robberies. Though Bobby Stevens (Liotta) appears to be a regular family man with a nine-to-five job, he's actually an expert thief who is seeking a few last big jobs so he can finally leave the business for a comfortable, lawful lifestyle with his wife, Hope (Virginia Madsen), and their two children. While they never discuss Bobby's illegal pursuits, Hope is growing weary of turning a blind eye.

In the pilot episode they stun gun several people and kill a security guard.
They blow up trucks and a speed boat.
A family man with children lieing to his wife.

The wife that is mandated to test for drugs.
How's that for family values?
Smith is more Hollywood liberal claptrap.
The liberal press will probably love it.

I wasted one hour Tuesday night watching this POS show.
Never again. CBS should be getting ready for a January replacement.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gas Prices: More Bad News For Democrats [Update]

Gas prices continue to fall.
It didn't take long for CNN and the democrats to conjure up dark conspiracies involving the GOP and "big oil." A Sneaky Scheme to Help Republicans.
Bush has an electronic device in the oval office with a receiver on each oil company CEO's desk that alerts them when to lower gas prices.
Bush pressed the button and the oil companies complied to help the Republicans in November ~ The Radical Left.

Bad NewsWhat's good for the economy.
Is bad for the Democrats.

Come on, Democrats you know this is a conspiracy.
Let's get to floor and tell all that the Republicans conspired with the oil companys to lower gas prices before the November elections.

Oil prices went below $64 barrel yesterday.
Gas prices dropped 20 cents.
Arizona Bullhead City $2.49 Fast Trip.
Going to Laughlin? Cross the bridge to buy gas.Happy Gas Pump
Find the lowest gas prices at
Regular Gasoline Average Prices
Today 2.580
Gas prices are expected to fall for the next three weeks.

What are you? :·)

xxxxxxxxxx _,,,^._.^,,,_
Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Redneck?
Here is a little test that will help you decide:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Glock cal. 40, and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.

What do you do?
Democrat's Answer:
  • Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
  • Does the man look poor or oppressed?
  • Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
  • Could we run away?
  • What does my wife think? What about the kids?
  • Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out his hand?
  • What does the law say about this situation?
  • Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
  • Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
  • Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
  • Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
  • If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?
  • Should I call 9-1-1?
  • Why is this street so deserted?
  • We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
  • This is all so confusing!
  • I need to discuss with some friends over a latte and try to come to a consensus.

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Republican's Answer:
  • BANG!

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Redneck's Answer:
    Click....(sounds of reloading)
  • Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?"
  • Son: "You got him, Pop! Can I shoot the next one?"
  • Wife: "You are NOT taking that to the taxidermist!"
  • Sunday, September 17, 2006

    Google Boosts GOP Ties

    Google is gearing up to become a major contributor to the Republican Party by hiring an adviser with ties to the Bush administration.

    The deep-pocketed search engine giant’s political action committee, Google NetPAC, has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and retained lawyer Ben Ginsberg, counsel to the Bush-Cheney campaigns in 2000 and 2004.

    Ginsberg is serving as an outside adviser to Google’s PAC, ensuring that it adheres to campaign finance laws.

    The Washington, D.C.-based publication Roll Call reports: “Advisers to the company say the PAC will likely become the key to funneling money to GOP lawmakers, given the Democratic leanings of its donor-employees.”

    Pass Cable Competition

    Congress is considering legislation that would bring competition to your cable service, resulting in significantly lower prices (as much as 25% off your monthly cable bill) and better service for consumers.

    But, the partisan interests on the Left -- led by -- and their friends on Capitol Hill, are holding this vital legislation hostage.

    Congress is in legislative session for less than a month before they break for the November elections.
    So we have less than a month to demand they pass this vital legislation.
    Take action to contact your Senators today!
    Tell them to stop pandering to and pass cable competition this year! Send an e-mail to your Senators
    If you live in California you know sending an email to Boxer or Feinstein is an exercise in futility. But send the email anyway.

    If you live in the Palm Springs area (Coachella Valley) Time Warner Cable is the only provider. Looking at my monthly bill I agree competition is needed to rein them in.
    Why do you suppose it's always the democrats that are against the consumer?
    Because MoveOn owns the democrats.

    Saturday, September 16, 2006


    President's Radio Address
    In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "Congress is considering two vital pieces of legislation ... By passing these critical bills, we will bring terrorists to justice, continue collecting vital intelligence from captured terrorists in a lawful way, and monitor terrorist communications, so we can stop new attacks on our nation."
    Senate committee rejects Bush anti-terror plan.
    Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia, normally a Bush supporter, pushed the measure through his Armed Services Committee by a 15-9 vote, with Warner and three other GOP lawmakers joining Democrats. The vote set the stage for a showdown on the Senate floor as early as next week.
      Three republicans, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and John Warner joined the anti-American, anti-war and anti-Bush liberal democrats to reject an anti-terror plan.
      Do these senators think if we play nice with the enemy they will play nice with us?
      Islamic fascists who sever prisoners heads.
      Who strap explosives to babies.
      What is the matter with these senators?
      Are they crazy? Apparently McCain certainly is.

    Read Richard Miniter GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA
    The politically correct regulations are unbelievable. Detainees (not allowed to call them prisoners) are entitled to a full eight hours sleep and can't be woken up for interrogations. They enjoy three meals and five prayers per day, without interruption. They are entitled to a minimum of two hours of outdoor recreation per day.
    I think we all know how to solve the problem. Don't we?
    Related News Articles.
    Please, explain, Sen. McCain Washington Times
    McCain should explain why he is endangering a vital interrogation program that has saved many American lives.
    Globe and Mail
    "We must provide our military and intelligence professionals with the tools they need to protect our country from another attack."

    McCain caught by NSA Wiretap Parody Paul Shanklin
    Path To 911
    Path To 911

    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    Key Terror Leader Captured in Iraq

    More Bad News for the anti-American liberals
    By Donna Miles
    American Forces Press Service
    WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2006

    Iraqi and coalition forces captured a key al Qaeda operative and some 70 more terror suspects in Iraq during a series of 25 raids in and around Baghdad Sept. 12, a senior Multinational Force Iraq spokesman told reporters in Baghdad today.
    The raids netted a personal associate of Abu Ayyoub al-Masri, Army Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said. Masri took control of al Qaeda in Iraq after a U.S.-led air strike killed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in early June.

    While not revealing the detainee’s name, Caldwell called him “the leader of assassination, kidnapping and IED (improvised explosive device) cells in Baghdad.” He “is known to have directly participated in numerous terrorist acts” and to have contributed to sectarian violence throughout the city, Caldwell said. American Forces Press Service

    I Googled and Yahooed this story.
    I was unable to find it anywhere in the MSM.

    Wednesday, September 13, 2006

    The Path To 911 [Update]

    Former Clinton Aide Critical of Attempts to Shut Down ABC's 9/11 Special
    The former Clinton aide says the former president's desire to cover up the truth about his decisions related to bin Laden will not work. "I think President Bill Clinton is responsible for 9/11 and the war on terror, personally. That is his legacy," Patterson comments. "I think he's trying to change that legacy, which is what [he was] trying to do by not having this series shown." Instead, he believes Clinton will go down in history as the nation's worst Commander-in-Chief.
    Well, It didn't take long.
    After watching The Path To 911 relatives of those killed want to know why Clinton didn't take action against the terrorists leading up to 911?
    Was it any wonder why the Democrats wanted this docudrama pulled.
    9/11 Families Want New Probe, Questions Answered
    The documentary and the members of the Family Steering Committee -- along with other victims' family members -- say the commission did not answer their questions and omitted much information from their final report released in July 2004 for political reasons.

    The documentary's executive producer, Kyle Hence, blamed the commission for a "cover-up" of the facts.
    Bob Iger [ABC] stood up to the Clintonistas.
    The democrats must beside them selves.
    If you think they aren't tune into C-Span.

    Supposedly there was one minute edited out.
    Probably when Clinton was watching a golf game on TV and couldn't be bothered.
    Or maybe he was engaged in one of his Oval Office cigar shenanigans.

    The Path To 911 clearly shows that Clinton did nothing about the terrorist attacks in the nineties [the Embassy bombings - The USS Cole - The WTC 1993.]

    The Moral Emptiness of the Left
    Video footage from 2000
    well before 9/11 that shows bin Laden waltzing around with his entourage that the Clinton adminstration got in real time. Now this was after the Embassy bombings in Africa, after the first WTC bombing, and after the USS Cole was hit, all by Al Qaeda, so what was the Clintonian response?
    Maybe next time.

    Listen to how Brokaw introduces the segment
    and how Lisa Myers tries to whitewash Clinton.
    We have blocked further attacks on America largely because of the courage and determination of one man, President George W. Bush. As I wrote in October, 2004, faced with the deliberate and horrific attacks on 9/11, President Bush instinctively understood that this was a war.

    He demonstrated his courage by taking that war to al-Qaeda to protect the American people. Despite opposition from confused and reluctant bureaucrats and politicians, he acted. That decision was the decisive break with the terrorism as a criminal act strategy and in direct contrast to the terrorism as a nuisance mindset held by many. Newt Gingrich

    Liberals like to pretend that there isn’t a media bias when it comes to the coverage of the Bush Administration or the war. Despite the fact that newsrooms are filled with dyed-in-the-wool liberals, there’s a preposterous attempt to portray the mainstream press as fair and objective.
    Mike Gallagher
    After watching The Path to 9/11 I can't imagine how any right thinking American could ever trust the security of this nation to a Democrat.

    When Bin-Laden was trapped.
    An Afghanistan northern front fighter asks,
    "Do you have men in Washington or are they all cowards?"

    Tuesday, September 05, 2006

    Clinton Edits the Path to 9/11

    Clinton Edits the Path to 9/11 Parodies:

    More Bad News For The Democrats [Update]

    Bad News Wires Sept. 3, 2006
    No. 2 Al-Qaida Leader in Iraq Arrested

    September 4, 2006
    Authorities yesterday announced the capture of al Qaeda in Iraq's No. 2 leader, accusing him of "brutal and merciless" terror operations, including the bombing of a Shi'ite shrine that touched off the sectarian bloodletting pushing Iraq toward civil war. Washington Times

    Good News for The United States and the war on terror.
    Is Bad News for the anti-American Bush Bashing liberals.

    ADAM GADAHN'American Al-Qaida' ADAM GADAHN Family Name Pearlman: Convert to Islam
    An Al-Qaeda video released on Saturday called on Americans and the rest of the Christian world to "repent" and convert to Islam. Expert: "This is the invitation that precedes the attack."
    ADAM GADAHN Al Qaeda's latest poster child is a California farm boy with roots in heavy metal and fundamentalist Christianity.

    Friday, September 01, 2006

    Cabo San Lucas braces for powerful Hurricane John
    Hurricane John
    Churning 170 miles (275 kilometers) southeast of Baja California, John was moving northwest at 13 mph (20 kph). Late Thursday night, Mexico issued a tropical storm warning for central Baja, while the peninsula's southern tip, home to Cabo San Lucas and fellow resort San Jose del Cabo, remained under a hurricane warning. Photo One x Photo Two x Photo Three x Photo Four

    Investigations into the cause of Hurricane John determined that Bush ordered it. Bush raised his hands to the sky and said,
    "Let there be a hurricane in Baja."
    On the second day the hurricane churned off the coast of Cabo San Lucas and became known as John.

    Al Gore said, "All hurricanes are caused by global warming,
    Bush, and Ann Coulter."

    Al Gore's Greasy Global Warming

    March 7, 2025
    Village Idiots
    Farmer Hillary Ad: "Invisible"
    Paul Shanklin Parodies
    We Hate The USA
    Hillary For Prez
    Conversations with Hillary 1 2
    Deck Of Weasels "Illegitimus Non Carborundum"
    Password Generator
    PSA: Amber Stick
    RJay ~ Conservative American Page 2
    Our Nations Security Depends On It! Vote Republican
    It's Election Day!
    The day the CARRS can correct their FU.
    Have your opinion of this war changed forever.

    Pelosi In Charge
    Al Qaeda: Thank You, Nancy Pelosi
    Do burkas have a future in America?
    Liberalism Is A Mental Disease
    The Ghost Breakers 1940
    Best Bob Hope Movie Line.