RJay ~ Conservative American Page 1
"Political Correctness
is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
"Democrat choices for president: One candidate whose 20-year spiritual guru has an adversarial relationship with America, and another who has a life-long adversarial relationship with the truth." - Michelle Malkin

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Senate Votes to Revive Amnesty
The bill's supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed to limit debate and clear the way for final passage of the legislation, which critics assailed as offering amnesty to illegal immigrants. The vote was 46 to 53 in favor of limiting the debate.

"The momentum against this bill is gathering all across the country and that is certainly taking hold within the Congress," said Sen. Jim DeMint, a Republican from South Carolina ReMax Story

Labels: Illegal Aliens, Roll Call Votes
Monday, June 25, 2007
Someone Speaks The Truth

On the tape the former first lady and leading Democratic presidential contender is heard speaking in 2000 with Hollywood mogul Peter Paul, comic book icon Stan Lee, and director Aaron Tonkin about a massive fundraising event for her 2000 Senate race. Paul spent about $2 million of his own money to produce the event but later had a fallout with the Clintons.
CNS News

Received via email
The following is the winning entry from an annual contest calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. This year's term: Political Correctness.
"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S., Europe
ABC The Blotter: Brian Ross Reports.
Large teams of newly trained suicide bombers are being sent to the United States and Europe, according to evidence contained on a new videotape obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com.
Teams assigned to carry out attacks in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany were introduced at an al Qaeda/Taliban training camp graduation ceremony held June 9.
A Pakistani journalist was invited to attend and take pictures as some 300 recruits, including boys as young as 12, were supposedly sent off on their suicide missions.
Taliban Graduates Heading West video

"Making it easy for them to arrive here by refusing to to put up the fence."
"Bush and his cohorts will probably give amnesty and citizenship to the suicide bombers if they promise not to bomb us."
"President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship, provided they learn Spanish. The offer was withdrawn when Bush found out most Albanians haven’t broken any U.S. laws."
— Ann Coulter

Labels: Pelosi, Reid, Suicide Bomb Teams
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fred Thompson

People see what they want to see, and time will tell if Thompson is the kind of conservative leader many of us are hoping for.
But it speaks well of Fred Thompson that the best arguments his critics can come up with are the same tired and hollow complaints they lodged against Ronald Reagan a quarter of a century ago.
Fred Thompson has announced an authorized web site ----------------------------fredfile.imwithfred.com/

Labels: Fred Thompson
Monday, June 18, 2007
Barker says O'Donnell could replace him
Unless you just arrived here on the illegal alien noon balloon and have never heard of or seen "The Price Is Right", which has been on the air since before Gore invented the Internet, - Bob Barker retired and recommended Trump's favorite person, Rosie O'Donnell to be the new host of the show.

It seems that CBS did not learn anything by inserting Cutie CureIt in the evening news.
Now they're holding talks with an anti-American (among other things) to be the new host of
"The Price Is Right."
Bob Barker endorsed his friend Rosie O'Donnell as a possible successor on "The Price Is Right."
"Now, whether they want a lady host, I don't know."
If they do they should find one. At least Cutie is a cute woman.
Jane Doe, come on down......
They may need to come up with another catch phrase.

Labels: Price Is Right, Rosie
Friday, June 15, 2007
Iraq surge a failure, top Democrats tell Bush
The United States two favorite anti-American Pro-Terrorists are at it again.

We only care about our socialist agenda.
They delivered a letter to our Commander in Chief on Wednesday saying they would, "begin the phased redeployment of US forces, and bring the war to a responsible end."
Move America Forward: You know what that means and what al-Qaida and their allies will proclaim if it comes to fruition: America lost and surrendered to the forces of radical Islam. If we allow Reid & Pelosi to have their way, Iraq will become the new operations base for Islamic terrorist groups to wage their jihad against the United States and our allies.
The letter was delivered to the President the day before this great country would honor Old Glory.
These two have no honor.
How much lower can Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-N.V.) sink? Every time he seems to hit bottom, Reid does something that delves deeper. Such as the little incident a few days ago when -- just to upstage the President’s visit to Capitol Hill to lobby for that misbegotten McKennedy immigration bill – Reid scheduled a “moment of silence” on the Senate floor supposedly to honor the fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was cheap and sleazy. Why cheap and sleazy?
Measure the moment of silence against Reid’s antiwar antics. Back in April, fighting against funding the Iraq war, Reid proclaimed the war lost. He’s so enmeshed in the anti-Bush anti-war rhetoric that -- having failed to stop the war in April -- he’s about to try it again. He said – this week -- that the troop surge has failed. But before he does, he’s now attacking people such as Generals Pace and Petraeus. ‘Orrible ‘Arry Reid
"There's something crazy going on in Germany.
Three people have been attacked by psychotic squirrels.
These squirrels are not only crazy, they're German.
You know they're just getting started.
World domination. The start of Squirrel War 1.
"We can't win" Reid and "Pinko" Pelosi have already surrendered."
Craig Ferguson Original Joke "The Germans have already surrendered."
Watch this video, Reid. It could be The MGM Grand?
It would be far worse than this. - Or did you forget?
Watch this video, Pelosi. It could be The Transamerica Pyramid?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Presidente Arbusto pleads for GOP immigration support

"The message from a majority of Georgians is that they have no trust that the United States government will enforce the laws contained in this new legislation and secure the border first," it said. MORE

Labels: Illegal Aliens, Immigration Bill
Monday, June 11, 2007
Hillary The Jock: I Play Pickup Basketball / Immigration Bill

She Played Pickup Basketball.
Hillary remembered she even had won a trophy once in an Arkansas mixed-doubles tournament.
- Among Hillary’s more hilarious claims:
- She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. who climbed Mount Everest.
- She was a Yankees fan when she lived in Chicago.
- She told upstate New Yorkers she had been a "duck hunter.”
- She claimed on Sept. 11 daughter Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center. NewsMax story

Pres. Bush said this weekend that he understands that a lot of Americans and Senators have trouble with a deal that allows legalization of 12-20 million illegal aliens in exchange for heavy-duty enforcement in the future.
He says he understands that many Americans don't trust that the Federal government will live up to the enforcement end of the bargain because of past failure to do so.
But Pres. Bush says he will go to Capitol Hill Tuesday, look the Republicans in the eye and assure them that they can trust him to see that all enforcement happens.
There is something terribly strange about his whole argument.
It is as if the President who has refused to enforce most immigration laws the last six years is somebody other than himself.
In addition, Pres. Bush appears to be saying, "You can trust me to enforce the law if you approve the amnesty" but he is suggesting that without passing the amnesty the illegal immigration problem is going to grow far worse because the President won't be enforcing the law!
And he wonders why people don't trust him?
When you are calling GOP Senators, (202-224-3121) you may want to remind them that they may not want to switch their immigration position to follow Pres. Bush's leadership since his unpopularity is the reason they are now in the Senate minority in the first place. NumbersUSA

Labels: Hillary The Jock, Illegal Aliens, Immigration Bill
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Immigration Bill [update]

Motion to Invoke Cloture on S. 1348;
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007
On the Cloture Motion
By 34 yeas to 61 nays (Vote No. 204), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, having not voted in the affirmative, Senate rejected the motion to close further debate on the bill.
Bush 'surprised' by conservative anger
How can Presidente Arbusto be surprised when He constantly tries to alienate the conservative base?
RINO El Presidente Arbusto: "I urge Senator Reid to act quickly
to bring this bill back to the Senate floor for a vote."
Senate Majority Leader Harry "We can't win" Reid
clearly decided to let the controversial immigration-reform bill go to the floor with an uncertain future because he figured he could spin its failure as a defeat for President Bush - even though Reid himself supported the bill.

A White House-backed bill to revamp immigration laws stalled in the Senate on Thursday, handing Presidente Abusto a major legislative setback.
Check for latest updates on NumbersUSA.com
Thursday, June 07, 2007 6:09 PM
The Senate just voted 45 to 50 against invoking cloture on
S. 1348. Senator Reid has pulled the bill from the floor for now.

Labels: Bush, Immigration Bill
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Plot to attack airport foiled [update] / Comrade Hillary
Never Underestimate The Power Of Makeup

Hilrya Rodhamovich Clintonov’s economic plan
Demo-gogue presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave a little-noticed stump speech this week that should’ve sent up countless red flags.
By now, all of us know about Clinton’s re-warmed plans for socializing medicine, regulating healthcare services and providers and centralizing government control of about ten percent of the U.S. economy.
This week, however, Clinton went national with her classist “it takes a village” model, claiming that free-enterprise Capitalism is the root of all evil.
In a speech on “shared prosperity,” she proclaimed that it’s time to replace the conservative notion of an “ownership society” and economy with one based on communal responsibility and prosperity, alleging that the current system is really an “on your own” society that increases the income gap between “poor” and “rich” Americans.

Now, if Clinton is implying that individual initiative, self-reliance, responsibility and ingenuity—the very foundation of free enterprise—are the keys to creating wealth, then she is right. If she is implying that dependence upon the state and redistribution of income creates poverty, then she is right here, too—but that was not her message. ...Continue Reading »
INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
Like voting for socialist communist liberal Democrats.

The arrest yesterday of what the authorities termed a "self-radicalized" American citizen and two others in an alleged plot to do calamitous damage to JFK International Airport and surrounding residential neighborhoods underscores yet again the overarching threat Islamist terrorism poses to America.
Arrested was Russell Defreitas, an American citizen from Guyana and a former JFK employee.

Last week NewsMax alerted its readers to the "most dangerous man" in the world -- Adnan el-Shukrijumah -- the man tapped by bin Laden to blow up nuclear devices in the U.S. Now, the New York Post reports in a page one story in its Monday editions that Adnan was the "invisible hand" behind the JFK plot.
"No one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman, and child within the United States than ferret-faced el-Shukrijumah.” And These TWO

Labels: Hillary, Muslims, Terrorists
Friday, June 01, 2007
al-Qaida Terrorists

NewsMax.com Wires Friday, June 1, 2007
He is the most wanted man in America yet most Americans have never heard his name.
He has been described as the "Fixer" of the Sept. 11 attacks. Several captured al-Qaida operatives have revealed this is the same man who bin Laden has tapped to lead the terror group's diabolical scheme to detonate nuclear devices simultaneously in several U.S. cities.
Meet Adnan el-Shukrijumah, now believed to be operating within the U.S. – a man the FBI warns is likely armed and dangerous.
"But no one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman, and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan." And These TWO

Labels: al-Qaida, Terrorists
Presidente Arbusto
CNS Reports No Rest For The Wicked
Senators enjoying a week-long recess in their home states are being targeted by opponents of illegal immigration who are expected to deliver thousands of petition signatures opposing the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform proposals.
Too Bad
President Bush has torn the conservative coalition asunder. Peggy Noonan
Perhaps Bush should give the keys to Chaney and get out.A Green Card in Every Pot by Ann Coulter
He has single handed guaranteed the Republican Party will be out of power for many years to come. The only way a Republican will win the White House in 2008 is if the public does not want the Clinton's back in the White House and vote against Hillary. Stood By My Man - Shanklin
I hear Bush wants to re-name the White House to Casa Blanca parody
Americans -- at least really stupid Americans like George Bush -- believe the natural state of the world is to have individual self-determination, human rights, the rule of law and a robust democratic economy. On this view, most of the existing world and almost all of world history is a freakish aberration.
No! Kennedy's Illegal Alien Amnesty Hurts America
I FAVOR Illegal Alien Amnesties

Labels: Bush
Village Idiots
Farmer Hillary Ad: "Invisible"
Paul Shanklin Parodies
Hillary For Prez

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